LIBGUIDES as Transitional & Professional tools Developing Discipline Specific Literacy for Law & Paralegal Studies Students
The concept of Library today Library Resources and Learning are not the same for the undergraduate student of today as they were in the past. WHERE, WHEN, and HOW do students learn?
follow the digital footprints of college students … “The Internet of Things” – IOT or “The Internet of Everything-Education” – IOE
The renaissance student “The man who has been educated in a subject is a good judge of that subject, and the man who has received an all-round education is a good judge in general.” ~ Aristotle, Nicomachean Ethic. The Doctrine of the Mean :: Chapters 1 to 12.
Frustration, Anxiety with access to library resources Undergraduate students of today are accustomed to accessing money, information, and services through an App and/or the swipe of a finger. Yet, in terms of their education when they access library information, they become overwhelmed frustrated with the fragmented manner in which the materials are located. While it is true that part of the transition to college level research is to learn how to utilize the library; it is equally important to help students focus their research through mediated discipline-specific information.
Libguide: maximizing partnerships LibGuides -- cut through the noise of One-Search and provide instead a coherent and discipline-specific research strategy. Library and Law & Paralegal Studies Library and … [insert your discipline]
responding to the challenge of learning, improve student access & turn-2-disciplines Q: How do we change the way legal studies students think of the Library as a resource to better assist them in their transition to college level-research and a future career as a paralegal? A: Focus on the importance of discipline-specific information literacy at both the college & professional levels, while allowing relevant information to be more easily available and accessible to students.
Libguides: the ‘smart library’ Tailored to your Major/Area of Concentration Centralized Services 24/7 Access Secure/Safe Supplement physical library Supplement department specific resources End to End connections(text/media/discipline specific materials - one location)
Implementing libguides: The plan Law and Paralegal Studies students were introduced to the initial LibGuide in their classes and a question and answer session was conducted following the demonstration. Information literacy is embedded throughout the Law and Paralegal courses to assist in the transition from introductory courses to advanced disciplinary research and career planning.
Implementing libguides: the steps Educators, invite your librarian to your classes. Demonstrate to students how LibGuides work. Connect LibGuides to your Blackboard and/or Canvass class as its own tab. Ask students for input and suggestions as to the content of their department’s LibGuide. Create assignments that utilize LibGuides. Suggest that students examine other discipline specific LibGuides for interdisciplinary course work and/or interest.
Discipline specific Libguide: LaW & Paralegal studies Tailored to the Law & Paralegal Studies curriculum, the legal studies students have targeted access to: Law Texts Law Articles Law & Paralegal Journals Links to legal professional organizations and/or associations. Ask a Librarian 24/7 chat reference All in one central and easily accessible location.
Question time
Thank you Professor Marissa J. Moran Professor Kimberly Abrams Please feel free to contact us …….. Professor Marissa J. Moran Law & Paralegal Studies Professor Kimberly Abrams Library Department
Works Cited DBS COLLEGE, Pearleye. “Red Computer Key with Question Mark.” Getty Images, keyboard-royalty-free-image/184355532. “Plumber Bristol 24-7.” Plumbers Bristol, “Question and Answer Q&A Sign And 3d Character As Symbol For Support.” BVKZ. “Shoreline Online Libraries.” Coastal Connecticut Magazine, 9 June 2015. “Social Media Etiquette: Why Your Digital Footprint Matters.” Registry Partners, 4 Jan. 2019, footprint-matters/. “9 Questions You Should Ask Web Development Agency before Building a Web Site.” Orange Hill Development, 23 Apr. 2016.