The Ottoman Empire
Ottoman Origins Nomadic Turkish Tribe Defeat to Mongols pushed them to Anatolia Founded by “Osman” Ottomans gradually Expanded Slowly Absorbed Anatolian Muslims into their ranks
Ottoman expansion policies The Choice A) Fight the Ottomans and suffer (like the Mongol policy) B) Accept Ottoman domination If Choice B…or Survivor of Choice A: Convert to Islam (if you want!) Paid the jitza tax (if you don’t!)
Ottoman expansion policies Local officials replaced by Ottomans Infrastructure built/rebuilt education and conversion to Islam encourage
Ottoman Expansion
Some Ottoman Sultans
Orhan : Expanded the Army, founded the Janissaries
Murad: Conquered the Balkans
Bayezid I: Captured by Tamerlane
Sultan Mehmet II (1451-1481) called the Fatih (the Conqueror) Conquered Constantinople, renamed Istanbul Mehmet II rebuilt the city and built many public works Bribed people to move to Istanbul
Bayezid the Just (Second) Gained control of vital trade routes Sent the Ottoman navy to rescue/resettle Jews from Spain
Selim the Grim Conquered Malmuk Sultanate Empire grew 70% Defeated the Safavids, securing Middle East hegemony
Suleiman the “Magnificent” Conquered parts of Europe (making it to Vienna) Annexed much of the Middle East, North Africa, and Algeria Dominated the Deas
Suleiman the Lawgiver Ottoman law codes Reformed the government Champion of Education Expanded public works Cultural Explosion
Ottoman Empire After Suleiman
After Suleiman Most Powerful Empire in the World Suleiman executed two of his sons Successor left ruling to advisors Slowly began to decline