Using Student Email Send an email. Place #cbsd in the subject. Answer: What is one question, idea or concern you have in using CB Student Email?
Setting-Up Folders and Rules Open the full version of Outlook(not web mail). Right click on the Inbox and select New Folder. Title the folder “Period 1”.
Setting-Up Folders and Rules In Outlook, click on File, then Manage Rules & Alerts. Select New Rule. Select Move message with specific words in the subject to a folder.
Setting-Up Folders and Rules Click on “specific words”. Then, add a phrase for the subject to trigger the email such as #period1. Click on “specified folder”. Select the folder you want message to go to. Then select “Ok” “Finish” “Ok”
Distribute Information Articles Enrichment Activities Review Guides Student Email Distribute Information Articles Enrichment Activities Review Guides Class Reminders Submitting Work(Drop Box) Formative Assessment Weekly Reminders to Students How could you use email with your teaching? Lisa mentioned that she found her students were more apt to email her once she set this up. And that she felt they were learning valuable advocacy skills and it helped her know more about what they were confused about…even if she didn’t use it for closure
Student Email Example Name Time Answer Key Word
How do students email us? Students can set-up email on their phone or by logging into web mail. See handouts for adding email to student phones.
How do students email us? Student can access their e-mail by visiting They log-in with their AD Log-in Sample Student View Click “Outlook E-Mail” Note: You will see this logged in as a student. Click the “waffle”