African History (Part I)
Europe has been involved with Africa since the late 1400’s.
European countries eventually colonized Africa in order to get Africa’s mineral wealth.
European countries “scrambled” to get as much African land as they could. This was called the… SCRAMBLE FOR AFRICA.
Scramble for Africa
The Scramble for Africa
In 1884, European countries met in Berlin to divide up Africa among themselves. This was called the Berlin Conference.
The European leaders did not ask the Africans how they wanted to be partitioned.
New Imperialism When European countries competed for land and power at the end of the 19th Century. (19th Century = 1801 – 1899)
Scooby Doo Review What are artificial boundaries?
Let’s recall how Europe divided up the Middle East after World War One with artificial boundaries…
Scooby Middle East Review: After WWI ended, the Ottoman Empire was partitioned (divided up) among the winners of WWI: Britain & France. Several new countries were created (like Jordan and Syria)
Scooby Review: France and Britain divided up the Ottoman Empire They claimed the oil fields for themselves. They created new countries like Iraq & Syria They did not ask the local people how they wanted to be grouped together.
Review: This partitioning caused problems which still exist in the Middle East, because it grouped different ethnic and religious groups together. This division caused many problems which still exist in the Middle East.
Review: The Shia and Sunni Muslims were grouped together in a new country of Iraq. They don’t get along well with each other.
Just as they did in the Middle East, European countries divided up Africa for themselves. Europe divided up Africa. Several new African countries were created by Europe using artificial political boundaries.
Africa was carved up according to what was best for the Europeans. They did not ask the local people how they wanted to be grouped together.
The division of Africa created new countries with The division of Africa created new countries with... artificial political boundaries.
Enemy African ethnic tribes were grouped together when new countries were formed.
Partitioning caused problems which still exist in Africa because enemy ethnic groups were grouped together. This caused civil war.
Today: Many civil wars in Africa.
Tutsi and Hutu tribes were grouped together in an artificial country called Rwanda. The Hutus killed 1 million Tutsis.
Other countries that had civil wars: Nigeria DRC Angola
The Europeans made positive contributions to Africa: schools, roads, and other items of infrastructure
African History Part 2
Nationalism A strong belief and having great pride in one’s own country.
African countries tired of European control African countries tired of European control. Africans became nationalists of their own countries.
Kenya colonized by Germans and British guerilla fighters began killing white settlers (guerillas: secret fighters using surprise attacks) *gained independence from UK in 1963
Nigeria colonized by Great Britain gained independence in 1956 soon civil war broke out between its many ethnic tribes new government formed in 1999
South Africa first colonized by the Dutch then colonized by Great Britain became independent from G.B. in 1961 “White only” control until 1990
Scooby Doo Review
What was apartheid?
Apartheid Discrimination based on race and skin color
Under apartheid laws, Bantu homelands were created where only black people could live.
Battle Against Apartheid A political party called the African National Congress (ANC) fought for civil rights for black South Africans.
Battle Against Apartheid The African National Congress (ANC) was led by Nelson Mandela. Mandela was jailed by SA’s white gov’t for fighting against apartheid.
The Specials
S.A. was hurt by sanctions when other countries refused to trade with S.A. These sanctions caused S.A. to abandon apartheid.
SA’s white president, F. W. de Klerk, ended apartheid SA’s white president, F.W. de Klerk, ended apartheid. Nelson Mandela then became president.
SA’s Gov’t Current
Since 1994, many white SA farmers have been murdered.
Pan-Africanism A movement to unite all black Africans started in the 1800’s