Myths are things that never happened but always are - Carl Sagan Archetypal Analysis Myths are things that never happened but always are - Carl Sagan
Archetypes are pre-logical mentality - T. S. Eliot Myth criticism Carl Jung (1875 – 1961) Collective unconscious
Three Basic Qualities That Characterize Archetypes Primordial Characteristics Universal Characteristics Recurrent Characteristics
Recurrent Archetypal Motifs World destruction Immortality Hero Oedipus legends Slaying of monsters Virgin births
Images or Symbols Sun Colors Water Circle Garden Desert Numbers
Archetypal Images of Women Earth mother Temptress Soul-mate Platonic ideal
Characters Hero Devil Scapegoat Star-crossed lovers Intellectual Medicine woman Shaman
Situation Initiation Task Quest Fall Death and Rebirth
Shadow, Anima, and Persona Anima/Animus Persona