Book of Ruth Page 396 in your bi-lingual Bible Prepared by Margreet van Ouwerkerk
Summary Location of Moab, where later kingdoms were established The Moabites were descendants of a nephew of Abraham, Lot, who slept with his own daughter and their son was called Moab (Genesis 19:36).
Time frame: 1160 – 1100 BC, at the end of the time of the Judges, no king Spiritual status: moral decline, therefore God sent foreign occupations Severe famine However, there was peace with the neighbor country Moab. Supposed author of Ruth: prophet Samuel Common theme
Few people trusted God. One was Elimelech. Fleeing from the famine he went with his wife Naomi and his two sons, Mahlon and Kilion, to Moab (Ruth 1:2). Elimelech dies (Ruth 1:3). The two sons marry Moabite women (gentiles). Mahlon married Ruth and Kilion married Orpah (Ruth 1:4) Both men, Mahlon and Kilion, die.
Chapter 1 Naomi decides to return to Israel. Ruth decides to join Naomi (vss. 15-17). Chapter 2 Ruth gleans the field (vss. 2-3). She meets Boaz (vss. 5-12). Chapter 3 Ruth claims the right to be redeemed by a kinsman (vss. 1-4, 8-9). Chapter 4 Ruth (see also Proverbs 31) is rewarded and, as the wife of Boaz, mentioned as an ancestor of King David and Jesus. See the geneology of Jesus (Luke 3:31-32)
Luke 3: 23-38 the genealogy of Jesus Pharez (Perez) Hezron Ram Amminadab Nahshon Salmon Boaz, the husband of Ruth Obed Jesse David, the second king of Israel . . . . many generations, including time in exile in Babylon . . . . Mary, the mother (wife of Joseph) of Jesus Jesus, the Messiah, the Son of God Matthew 1:17 says: “Thus there were fourteen generations in all from Abraham to David, fourteen from David to the exile to Babylon, and fourteen from the exile to the Messiah”.
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Who is your hero in this Bible book/movie, and why? What do you learn from the character of Naomi? What do you like in Ruth? Describe her character. What have you learned from the character of Boaz? Guys: are you seeking your Ruth? Girls: are you seeking your Boaz? Ruth needed a redeemer, Boaz. Boaz the kinsman who was able to redeem Ruth, represents Jesus in a spiritual way! Do you need a Redeemer? Will you trust God in hard times?