The Intentional teacher Chapter 2: Best Practices for Intentional Teaching Professor Backlar
Structuring the Physical Learning Environment Provide a safe and healthy indoor and outdoor environment Licensing requirements (ECERS) Organize the space in interest areas or centers Supply plentiful and diverse equipment and materials Open-ended materials Rotate Reflecting diversity Display work created by and of interest to children Recall and reflect Expand This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA
Scheduling the Program Day Emotional stability and security Avoid too many transitions Establish a consistent yet flexible daily routine Choice and self-directed play Clean-up/self-help skills Snack Group activities which teacher introduces concepts/skills Rest time Indoor/outdoor Transitions Problem solving with materials and people Reflecting on learning Allow for a variety of types of activities Small/large groups pairs Use a variety of groupings Allow just enough time for each activity
Interacting with Children Meet children’s basic physical needs Create a warm and caring atmosphere Encourage and support language communication Encourage initiative Introduce information and model skills Acknowledge children’s activities and accomplishments Support peer interactions Encourage independent problem solving This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND
Effective Teacher-Child Interactions
Building Relationships with Families Exchange information about the curriculum and how it promotes children’s development Meetings Newsletters Mail/email Blogs Lending libraries with books, articles, and video recordings Share suggestions about how to extend learning at home Ideas that fit in to families everyday schedule (shopping, mealtimes, bedtime) Carrying on conversations with their children Daily reading Provide networking opportunities for families
Assessing Children’s Development Use assessment results to plan for individual children and the group as a whole Use assessment results to identify areas for professional development
What values shape your environments?
Learning Environments and Curriculum: Examine the Environments
In small groups, discuss the following… How do you discover what children have to teach you about curriculum? How do you make curriculum meaningful and culturally relevant? How can you redefine "school readiness" to mean full engagement and learning about learning? What is the role of the physical and social-emotional environments in facilitating complex play, engaged learning, discovery, and deepening relationships?