Fantasy Book Report Your Book Report Assigned: Monday, November 13, 2017 Due: Friday, December 1, 2017 Book Report directions: Pick a fantasy or science fiction book. {It must be an AR book.} Read the whole book. Fill out the form about your book. Cover a piece of cardstock or cardboard (needs to be larger than a piece of paper) with wrapping paper so that it looks like a gift. Use ribbon or paper to make the ribbon that crosses the front of the “gift.” Write the title of your book on the piece of ribbon or paper that is attached horizontally. Attach a gift tag (real or made from paper). On the “To” section write your name. On the “From” section write the author’s name. Attach the form to the back of the “gift.” Take the AR test on the book. Turn in the “gift” with form by due date. To: Your Name From: Author’s name Your Book Report Book’s title