I Have A Dream 單字教學.


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I Have A Dream I have a dream, a song to sing To help me cope with anything If you see the wonder of a fairy tale You can take the future even if you fail.
Presentation transcript:

I Have A Dream 單字教學

dream (N.)夢;夢想 (V.)做夢;夢想 He has a big dream. He dreams of being a king.

fairy tale (N.)神話;童話故事 She likes the fairy tale of Snow White. 小精靈;幻想的

angel (N.) 天使 The little girl looks like an angel. angle

stream (N.) 小河;溪流 Dad likes to walk along the stream after work.

darkness (N.)黑暗 You can’t see anything in the darkness.

destination (N.)目的地;終點 We finally reach our destination.

reality (N.)真實;現實 You have to face the reality and work hard.

fantasy (N.)幻想 Ken lives in a world of fantasy.

cross (V.)越過;橫渡 Be careful when you cross the street.

fail (V.)失敗;不及格 Danny failed his math exam.

Review 記得把握時間完成學習單!

dream (N.)夢;夢想 (V.)做夢;夢想 He has a big dream. He dreams of being a king.

fairy tale (N.)神話;童話故事 She likes the fairy tale of Snow White. 小精靈;幻想的

angel (N.) 天使 The little girl looks like an angel. angle

stream (N.) 小河;溪流 Dad likes to walk along the stream after work.

darkness (N.)黑暗 You can’t see anything in the darkness.

destination (N.)目的地;終點 We finally reach our destination.

destination (N.)目的地;終點 We finally reach our destination.

reality (N.)真實;現實 You have to face the reality and work hard.

fantasy (N.)幻想 Ken lives in a world of fantasy.

cross (V.)越過;橫渡 Be careful when you cross the street.

fail (V.)失敗;不及格 Danny failed his math exam.