TFMM – Trends Available Meteorological Forcing Bertrand Bessagnet, Augustin Colette Institut National de L’Environnement Industriel et des Risques
ECMWF/IFS was used for recent Campaign analyses Rationale ECMWF/IFS was used for recent Campaign analyses Need to find a consistent 1990-2010 meteorological driver => Hindcasts of CORDEX Regional Climate Downscaling
EURO-CORDEX Hindcast with perfect boundary conditions to assess regional climate models Driven by ERA-Interim, no nudging Thoroughly documented in Kotlarski et al., GMD 2014 Cover 1989-2008, often extended to 2012 Ensemble: 9 models at 0.11 deg 8 additional models at 0.44 deg.
Optimised version Provided by Robert Vautard & Annemiek Stegehuis (LSCE/IPSL) Optimised configuration, nudged Volume 139G/yr 52G for chimere variables: sigma of half-sigma level, sigma of full-sigma level, Surface pressure, Base-state pressure, Perturbation pressure, SW radiation down, LW radiation down, 2m-mixing ratio, Longitudes of cross points, Latitudes of cross points, Accumulated convective precipitation, Accumulated large scale precipitation, x-wind at 10m, y-wind at 10m, Surface sensible heat fluxSurface latent heat flux, Frictional velocity, 2m air temperature, Soil Moisture level 1, PBL height from WRF, WRF x-wind WRF y-wind, Potential temperature, Cloud liquid water mixing ratio, Rain water mixing ratio, Specific humidity, Water equiv. accum. snow depth, Perturbation geopotential, Geopotential
Domains ED25n Cordex22s 45,000 points, about 25km Does not fit in Cordex domain Cordex22s 32,500 points about 25km Cordex22s