ePortfolio content: phased delivery
Phase 1 – 28 May Core Capabilities in Practice (CiP) guidance A definitive document with complete details of the core curriculum, CiPs, programme of assessment and supervision A matrix outlining the progression requirements for ARCP Knowledge requirements and knowledge criteria FAQS A ‘How to Use’ guide for the ePortfolio eLearning Education Package – outlining the new curriculum and ePortfolio rationale Education Supervisor forms and guidance – a generic form that can be used for all meetings, including Regular, Induction, Careers and Self-assessment Trainee forms and guidance - Personal Development Plan (PDP) a link to the absence and return to work forms on the RCOG’s Return to Work toolkit procedure log All workplace-based assessment forms –OSATs, Mini-CEX, NOTSS, TO1/2, SO Links to existing information on academic training and ultrasound
Phase 2 – 28 May to 1 August More Education Supervisor forms and guidance – this phase will implement the induction and handover forms Education Supervisor’s Report Trainee forms and guidance – this phase will implement self- assessment forms, and forms to record absence and returning to work
Phase 3 –1 August to 31 October Ultrasound guidance Academic guidance Simulation guidance Curriculum guide for each ATSM and subspecialty curriculum ARCP guidance TEF Subspecialty annual assessment form Education Supervisors report for Subspecialty trainees
Key messages All trainees moving to the new platform will have access to all the resources they need Phased approach planned to take into account GMC approval of advanced curricula Improvements can and will be made as part of the development (within reason) Focus on quality – important to get it right All resources will be on ePortfolio by 31 October and RCOG website reorganised Feedback is welcomed