Hermenegildo Cardoso Rente Cruz Vermelha De Timor Leste (CVTL) Regional Disaster Response Team (RDRT) Mission Sharing Hermenegildo Cardoso Rente Cruz Vermelha De Timor Leste (CVTL)
IFRC RDRT Deployment Process CVTL RDRT members received an alert from IFRC Regional office in BKK on May 11 and were requested to submit CVs for team selection. After 7 days’ standby , I was called for a meeting with SG and IFRC T-L to have a briefing for my assignment. CVTL and IFRC T-L organised also a press conference about my deployment. I flew from Timor to Nepal via Singapore. The day after I had arrived, I had: Meeting with RDRT Team Leader (general roles and procedure + security briefing) Meeting with Field Coordinator (Field Operation Orientation; relief system, field & task assignment) After these meetings I travelled to the field and there I was given : Introduction to the district chapter (executive, legislative (local board) & volunteers), presented objective and shared plan. Introduction to the local government
Dhading Timor-Leste RC
Dhading District Data: affected HH, fully & partially damaged houses
My work as RDRT team member - Relief and Assessment activities carried out Orientation on assessment data entry for chapter volunteers Combining detail assessment data Detail assessment data analysis Developed distribution plans & packages for NFRIs and Cash distribution. Shared distribution plans with NRCS & districts Chapter's Executive members. Visited different VDCs, met VDCs leaders, checked beneficiaries list and shared distribution plans with VDCs leaders. Participated in coordination meetings, Cluster meetings, meeting with District Chapter and inter team meeting. Identified warehouse space Shelter tool kit training for volunteers Distribution House Hold (HH) Kits, also mentoring local staff/volunteers during distribution. Conducted orientations for district management & volunteers on relief management and distribution process.
Cont…… Supported NRCS & Planning team on planning including sharing experiences and thoughts in various levels of meeting Supported floor management during the planning meeting Contributed to planning of next steps after the meeting Coordination with logistics hub on accessibility, road condition, distribution point, vehicle information, etc. NO Activities Daily 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Orientation on assessment data entry for chapter volunteers X Combining detail assessment data Visited different VDCs, met VDCs leaders, checked beneficiaries list and shared distribution plans with VDCs leaders. Conducted orientations for district management & volunteers on relief management and distribution process.
Challenges during my mission Aftershocks Process was slow and plans changed often In CVTL as DM coordinator, I can make decisions, but as a IFRC RDRT team member, I did not have authority to take any decisions NRCS District chapter were partnering also with other organisations, such WFP and UNICEF, and distributing also other than Red Cross relief NRCS District chapter did not have permanent volunteers trained on disaster response Lack of coordination for all humanitarian actors in Dhading District (No District Level coordination meetings in Dhading) Local Government was willing to move already to recovery phase in order to prepare for coming monsoon season whereas RDRT was still in a response mode
What I learned during my mission About IFRC Tools in Action (ERU, FACT, RDRT) and how they worked in an integrated way Delegation of task (Independent work/working as a team) About the coordination system between NRCS, ERU, FACT and RDRT and about the coordination with Government and local authorities About RDRT and NDRT deployment system
What I brought back to CVTL Some ideas or recommendations based on my experience from Nepal EQ operation: Update CVTL Assessment Form Produce Beneficiary card + Communication Learn more about Cash Grant Program for Emergencies Establish a system for NDRT deployment Train more CVTL staff members for RDRT When CVTL is decentralising some of the functions to the district branches, it is good to ensure that branched do not become too independent
Obrigado Wain