The Problem of Doubt Problems Christians Face
A Doubtful society A problem prevalent in our society The call to question everything, especially authority Education, entertainment and government that regularly rejects divine accountability The amount of information available expressing every conceivable view Rampant immorality and worldliness without real answers
A Doubtful society A problem prevalent in our society Many, if not most, struggle with doubts from time to time: Personal – abilities, who we are, failures Others – a lack of confidence Spiritual questions – Who is God? Am I saved? Weak faith. Difficult questions of critics, etc.
The Bible and doubt Peter doubted – Matthew 14:28-33 – he began to sink, “Why did you doubt?” Thomas doubted – John 20:24-29, refused to believe Jesus was raised until he saw Him. “Do not be unbelieving, but believe.” Luke 24:38,11 Thomas was not alone James 1:5 – ask in faith, without doubting Romans 14:22-23 – to act while doubting is sin
Dealing with doubts: Is doubt sinful? Doubt is NOT something that can be ignored. It is a legitimate concern, or a cause to reject? Is it persistent, or are you trying to deal with it? HOW we deal with doubts will determine who we are
Dealing with doubts: Realize what doubt is Doubt can be calling something into question; uncertainty; or lack of confidence Doubt is not always a denial of faith. Sometimes it is questioning something about our faith, OR it is insufficient or weak faith. It is a bridge between your current faith and perfected faith
Dealing with doubts: Realize what doubt is Doubt is not just intellectual, it is also spiritual. It is a tool of Satan! Genesis 3:3-5 Our spiritual warfare – Ephesians 6:10-13, 2 Corinthians 10:3-6
Dealing with doubts: Deal with your doubts Don’t ignore it, for that could be sin! Rarely does ignoring something make it go away. Do not close your mind to an answer! John 20:26, while Thomas doubted, he was with the disciples the next Sunday. WHEN he saw the Lord, he believed. Learn to doubt your doubts
Dealing with doubts: Deal with your doubts Be humble. Many let doubts excuse ungodly behavior. Skeptics sometimes will reject the possibility of an answer Not having an answer is no excuse to say there is no answer. Further, we don’t know everything! Be humble enough to admit it – Deuteronomy 29:29, Romans 11:33-34
Dealing with doubts: Deal with your doubts Search for answers - diligently. Keep looking! Romans 10:17, John 8:32, Hebrews 4:12 2 Timothy 2:15 Be willing to accept the answer when/if you find it EVEN if it is not the answer you were looking for!
Dealing with doubts: Deal with your doubts Pray about it Pray to help you overcome your doubts – cf. James 1:5 Help my unbelief! Mark 9:24
Dealing with doubts: Deal with your doubts If there is sin, repent! Sometimes doubts and questions come because of sins we are struggling with and we don’t like or want the clear answer in God’s word. Some try to explain away what the Bible says (hell, homosexuality, MDR, etc.), but that too can produce doubts Acts 8:22
Dealing with doubts: Deal with your doubts Keep growing If doubt is the product of a weak faith, the more we mature, the greater our faith, the less doubts. 2 Peter 1:5-11
Dealing with doubts: Be patient with those who question or doubt! Sometimes people struggle with questions, but are afraid to voice them because they will be rebuked or belittled. As long as one is honest, they ought to be able to ask questions! 1 Thessalonians 5:14, Hebrews 12:12
Doubt will do one of two things: It can devastate your faith OR it will make your faith stronger You can choose which path to take!
How is your faith?