Advantages of using Lovegra tablets
About Lovegra Lovegra is the female generic version of Viagra that is used in the treatment of female impotence. Sildenafil citrate is the active pharmaceutical component present in Lovegra. It is available online on prescription.
Advantages of using Lovegra tablets Lovegra oral tablets increases the sensitivity of female genitals, which helps the women to obtain sexual satisfaction and complete sexual pleasure. The action of this medication is seen within 30 to 60 minutes after taking the medicine The effect of this medicine lasts for a duration of four hours. This medication is easy to consume. It is sold at cheaper rates online.
Usage directions Take Lovegra tablets only when you wish to indulge in sexual intercourse.Lovegra tablets Take this medicine 30 to 60 minutes prior to sexual intercourse. Take this medicine with a glass of water.
Common side-effects
Contraindications Women allergic to its active component Pregnant women Nursing mothers Women under 18 years of age
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