Chemical, Physical & Water Properties IPC-A3 Desiree Elizondo Willna Goma & Alexis Delgado
Physical Properties of Elements Physical properties include: Electronegativity Atomic radius Ionic radius Ionization Energy Melting points Groups & Period properties
Physical Properties of Elements Metallic Properties: Easy to shape Conducts electricity Shiny Does not gain electrons easily Nonmetallic Properties: 1. Poor thermal & electrical conductors 2. Brittle solids with little or no metallic luster 3. Gain electrons easily
Chemical Properties of Elements Chemical properties of elements include: Electronegativity Melting point Boiling point Ionic radius Number of valence electrons Energy of 1st ionization Chemical properties usually are observed during a chemical reaction.
Physical Properties of Compounds Solubility Boiling Point Melting Point Freezing Point Color Conductivity Density
Chemical Properties of Compounds Chemical properties of elements and compounds can be distinguished by such as color, density, viscosity, buoyancy, boiling point, freezing point, conductivity, and reactivity.
When a Chemical Reaction Occurs... Color Gas Light Temperature Precipitation
Properties of Water Water consists of two slightly positive hydrogen atoms and one slightly negative oxygen atom. Water has unique properties which help aid in dissolving substances. Cohesion- the ability of water to bind to other water molecules. Adhesion- the ability of water to bind to other substances. Polarity- the slightly charged particles help water attract other oppositely charged molecules.
Properties of Water, cont.’d Water is known as the “universal solvent”. To dissolve a gas in a liquid, the temperature must be lowered and the pressure reduced. To dissolve a solid in a liquid, you can stir the solution to speed up the reaction. A solution can sometimes form a precipitate, which is an insoluble solid that emerges from a solution.
Solubility Dissolution is the process in which a solute forms a solution in a solvent. Any change in temperature can affect the solubility of a substance. For example, the solubilities of solids and liquids usually increase as the temperature increases, but the solubilities of gases decrease with increasing temperature. The pressure has very little effect on the solubility of liquids and solids. However, if the pressure is lowered, it aids in dissolving the gas.
Types of solutions Saturated- a solution in which no more solute can be dissolved. Unsaturated- a solution who can still dissolve more solute. Supersaturated- a solution that has an excess of solute and cannot dissolve any more. Nonpolar solution- a solution with molecules that do not attract because they are not polar opposites. Concentration- the amount of substance per dissolved space. pH scale- measures the acidity of a substance
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