Thomas A. Treibel et al. JACC 2018;71:860-871 Study Flow Chart A total of 181 patients with severe, symptomatic aortic stenosis were recruited (48% of all surgical aortic valve replacements [AVR] at our institution [University College London Hospital NHS Trust, London, United Kingdom]). Before AVR, 10 patients were excluded (claustrophobia [n = 4], cardiac amyloid [n = 2], severe mitral regurgitation [n = 2], pseudosevere aortic stenosis [n = 1], Fabry disease [n = 1]), and 3 patients did not undergo AVR and were treated medically. Following AVR (164 surgical, 4 transcatheter), 4 further patients were excluded because of cardiac amyloid. By 1 year, there were 11 deaths and 16 patients with pacemakers; 21 patients declined follow-up. A total of 116 patients underwent 1-year follow-up assessment. CABG = coronary artery bypass grafting; CMR = cardiac magnetic resonance; eGFR = estimated glomerular filtration rate; mAVR = mechanical aortic valve replacement; pre OP = pre-operative; TAVR = transcatheter aortic valve replacement; tAVR = tissue bioprosthetic aortic valve replacement. Thomas A. Treibel et al. JACC 2018;71:860-871 2018 The Authors