A Mature Mind Philippians 2:19-30
Paul’s examples of maturity Jesus (2:5-11) Paul himself (2:17-18) Timothy (2:19-24) Epaphroditus (2:25-30)
Paul’s examples of maturity Jesus (2:5-11) Paul himself (2:17-18) Timothy (2:19-24) Epaphroditus (2:25-30)
Timothy (2:19-24) “No one like minded” “Will genuinely care for your state” Others “seek their own interests” but not Timothy “Served with me” (cf. 1:1)
Epaphroditus (2:25-30) Terms used to describe him (v25) Carrying their gift to Paul, he became deathly ill His concern was for the Philippians’ worries about him “Hold such men in esteem”
Our need for mature minds Spiritual maturity comes from thinking on proper things (4:8) Two primary considerations of the mature: Advancing Christ’s purpose via teaching (as Timothy was) Serving others (as Epaphroditus was)
A Mature Mind Philippians 2:19-30