Side Event: Review of Action Strategy for Nature Conservation
Update of the 2008-2012 Action Strategy Phase 1 Review of the Strategy Review of Guiding Principles – PIRT self assessment Achievements and progress towards Objectives and 30 year vision, mission and goal (includes case studies) – SPREP member countries. Assessment of funding commitments and funding streams Linkages between AS and NBSAP implementation (Aichi Targets) Partnerships, collaboration and coordination effectiveness
Updated Action Strategy 2013 - 2018 Phase 2 Draft Strategy: Updated draft AS with SMART targets/indicators towards 30 year vision (Aichi targets) Strategies and actions including: mainstreaming strategy communication and outreach partnership and resource mobilisation coordination strategy implementation plan monitoring and reporting framework
Issues Phase 1 Review Process AS focus on Guiding Principles and very broad vision /objectives means a lack of measurable indicators PIRT response to Self Assessment Survey Monkey was very poor -better response from new survey Acquiring additional will need help from country focal points. Country AS questionnaire – to be distributed
Issues Phase II Draft Action Strategy What do we want the next AS to accomplish? What is the appropriate framework – targets derived from Aichi NBSAPs – reporting efficiencies - implementation strategies Assistance – AS team to be convened
Issues Phase II Draft Action Strategy Targets derived from Aichi - generally align with the focus of NBSAPs and AS Strategic Goal A: Address the underlying causes of biodiversity loss by mainstreaming biodiversity across government and society (AS Objective 1) Strategic Goal B: Reduce the direct pressures on biodiversity and promote sustainable use (AS Objective 2 & 4) Strategic Goal C: To improve the status of biodiversity by safeguarding ecosystems, species and genetic diversity (AS Objective 3) Strategic Goal D: Enhance the benefits to all from biodiversity and ecosystem services (AS Objective 1) Strategic Goal E: Enhance implementation through participatory planning, knowledge management and capacity building (AS Objective 2)
Workplan Attend SPREP Meeting , Apia 16 – 20 September Collate PIRT Self Assessment results 20 -31 September Consult with SPREP members ( questionnaire/interviews) 20 Sept – 15 Oct Draft Action Strategy 15 – 30 October Submit to SPREP for review and comments 1 -15 November Draft Action Strategy revision completed and preparation for 9th Pacific Conference On Nature Conservation and Protected Areas 51 - 30 November Revise and update draft Action Strategy in consultation with SPREP December /January Write Project report by 14 Feb
Issues Have you or your programme staff referred to the Action Strategy and its Guiding Principles in the planning or implementation of your programmes/projects? Occasionally but more often in the early days of release Of the Guiding Principles which do you think your organisation is strongest and weakest in its adherence? Strongest -1 Community rights - 5 Good Governance - 6 Coordination - 7 Strengthening national capacity Weakest – Ownership of conservation projects and Financial Sustainability Overall, how strongly do you consider your organisation adheres to the Guiding Principles in the implementation of its programmes and projects? Strongly