District Grants Coordinator, 2019-20 Glenview Sunrise Rotary Club February 16, 2019 Mary Bak District Grants Coordinator, 2019-20 Glenview Sunrise Rotary Club
District 6440 District Grant Basics April 12, 2014 District 6440
PLAN: Know the Basics District Grants are Administered by 6440 They can be used anywhere in the World You can submit two District Grant requests, one domestic and one international You must be authorized to apply The whole idea of District Grants is to allow each Club an opportunity to do smaller projects with less adminstrivia than larger Global Grants. These grants have tremendous flexibility and can be used for local or international projects across a wide range. Want to do a Shelter Box, can do! Want to fund a scholarship, can do! Want to plant a garden to benefit a local homeless shelter, can do! Want to promote reading projects in your local schools, can do! You can partner with other clubs or not. Because these grants are administered by our District, you get faster results. We expect to have funds approved by TRF in late July and available for distribution in August. While this year, District Grants do not have a sustainability requirement, they do need to align with Rotary’s Mission and if $2500 or more with the Focus Areas of The Rotary Foundation. If the District has enough money we will fully fund your club grant request. If not, you will receive a pro-rata match based on the amount available.
PLAN: Are You Authorized to Apply? Did you Attend the Grant Management Seminar? Did the Club submit its Memorandum of Understanding? Due March 15, 2019 Has your club president-elect entered your club’s Membership, Foundation- Annual Fund-SHARE and EPN Goals for 2019-20 into Rotary Club Central? Has your club filed its Individual Project Report for your 2018-19 District Grant-including the Excess Grant Allocation? (Due June 15, 2019) If you are sitting here now and and stay until the end of the session, sign out, then Check off the first dot point. If you don’t know the answer to this, ask your President Elect or us and we’ll let you know. If they have not filed their MOU, get a copy of it today!!! One note, the District will allow Clubs to have the President Elect and either the President Nominee or Club Secretary 2017-2018 sign the MOU. This needs to happen by March 1, 2018, so do it today!!! New this year: Enter your Membership, Foundation (Annual Fund-Share, and EPN) goals into Rotary Club Central, and file your Individual Project Reports for your 2017-18 District Grant.
PLAN: The Money Your Club’s total District Matching dollars for both District and Global Grants may not exceed the club’s contribution to the Annual Fund - SHARE of The Rotary Foundation from three years ago (e.g., 2019-20 grants are based on 2016-17 contributions to Annual Fund – SHARE). New this year, you have been provided with information about what the District will match for District and Global Grants, based on your Clubs’ Annual Fund-Share contribution in 2015-16 No designated funds count such as Paul Harris If you ask for more than you contributed, we will knock the amount down.—DON’T MENTION IN PRESENTATION
District Match Calculation for a District Grant Based on Club’s Annual Fund SHARE 2016- 17 contribution Your club is eligible for a District Grant equal to 25% of your giving to the Annual Fund for the year 2016-17. Two qualifiers: The Rotary Foundation has provided additional funding for District Grants this 2019-20 year. Your District Grant request can't be for less than $500 or more than $5000. Handout provided to you that shows the exact amount of funds available for District Grant match.
Can be either Local or International Need a hands-on component unless: PLAN: Guidelines Can be either Local or International Need a hands-on component unless: International in scope Scholarship Supports Rotary sanctioned organization Fits The Rotary Foundation Mission Wow, can this be more flexible? Other than restrictions determined by The Rotary Foundation, you have creative license. Keep your receipts, fill out your completion report and that’s it! New, The Rotary Foundation now allows you to use District Grant money for RYLA
PLAN: Pick your Topic What you see on the screen is a representation of all of the grants we funded this year. Scholarships, food pantries, coats, and kids featured heavily in the grants. We have local grants and international grants. There were an amazing number of wonderful grants that supported our local communities and the larger world. When you are thinking about what to do for this year, think about some of the things you have done in the past and also ask other clubs what they have done. There is a wealth of knowledge in this room and throughout the District. And to access it, all you have to do is ask.
APPLY: Where to go Go to www.rotary6440.org, LOG IN Click on District and Global Grants under Foundation.
APPLY: Where to go Click on the FILE OR UPDATE APPLICATION FOR 2017-18 DISTRICT GRANTS You will be asked to login to District 6440-user name and password that you use for your club and Rotary International Click on: FILE OR UPDATE APPLICATION FOR 2019-20 DISTRICT GRANTS
APPLY Submit a Grant Request Click on : Submit a Grant Request Click on “Submit a Grant Request”
APPLY: Submit Project Details On the Details tab, top left corner, Fill out the basic information about your grant Project Name Project Year (2018-2019) Sponsoring Club: Your Club Contact: Your Name (NOTE everyone that is authorized to submit grants will be on the drop down list) Country State Zip City Description: A short description of what you are doing for your grant; one sentence. Your headline for your grant Estimated Budget: This is the total budgeted amount, not just the amount you are requesting from the District Whoever is listed as contact will get all the email on this project through club runner When you have filled everything out, click Submit On the Details tab, top left corner, Fill out the basic information about your grant Project Name . Drop down to Sponsoring Club, select YOUR Club, and then YOUR Contact name. This is just a summary statement about your project-not the complete details.
APPLY: Find Your Grant-View Club Grants Completing the Details sheet does NOT complete the application. After you have saved the Detail sheet, click on VIEW Club Grants in the top Left corner. Once that opens, find your grant that you just entered. Click OPEN, and then Click on the Application tab. In the future, you can amend your grant application by clicking on View Club Grants, then finding your grant, opening it, and amending the tab that you choose. Completing the Details sheet does NOT complete the application. After you have saved the Detail sheet, click on VIEW Club Grants in the top Left corner. Once that opens, find your grant that you just entered. Click OPEN, and then Click on the Application tab.
APPLY: Complete Application You do not need to fill out sustainability. Now you will fill out the application. There are multiple sections and all must be filled out with one exception for the grant to be considered completed : General Description Community Assessment & Impact Sustainability- do not need to fill out Cooperating Organizations Implementation Plan- Detail the Hands on Component, Be sure to include contact person details Click on the arrow next to the section name to get moreinformation. Now you will fill out the application. There are multiple sections and all must be filled out with one exception for the grant to be considered completed General Description Community Assessment & Impact Sustainability- do not need to fill out Cooperating Organizations Implementation Plan- Detail the Hands on Component, Be sure to include contact person details Click on the arrow next to the section name to get more information.
APPLY: General Description 1) Describe the project and the problem or need it will address. 2) How long will it take to complete the project? 3) Are there Partnering Rotary Clubs involved with this project? If so, please list. EDIT to enter your anwswers and SAVE BEFORE MOVING TO THE NEXT TAB!
APPLY: Community Assessment & Impact Please describe the following: 1) Who is the benefiting community and how it was selected? 2) What is the expected impact of the project when it is completed?
APPLY: Cooperating Organizations If there are organizations other than Partnering Rotary Clubs involved in your project, please provide the following information: 1) Identify the Cooperating Organizations 2) What is the role of the Cooperating Organization (ie funding, implementation assistance, etc.)
APPLY: Implementation Plan 1. Describe specific activities of the sponsoring Rotary Club and any Rotary Club partners in implementing the project: What will Your Club's members do. If there are Partnering Rotary Clubs, what will their members do? (This Hands-on component is required for all District Grant projects unless: a) the project is international, b) the Grant is being used to fund scholarships, or c) the Grant is being used to fund a Rotary Approved Organization (ie ShelterBox). 2. For International District Grant Projects, please describe how funds will be under Rotary Club control at all times. 3. District Grant Funds Distribution Information: Payment will be made by check. Please provide the following information: Payee Name (the Club or the Club Foundation, funds must be under Rotary Control) Address, including the name of an individual addressee, of where to send the check NO PO BOXES, please 4. Club Contact for the District Grant: Please provide the following information: Name of person most familiar with the grant request That person's phone number That person's email address.
APPLY: Complete Budget This includes the money from your club, partnering clubs, and the money you are requesting from the district. THIS IS WHERE WE SEE HOW MUCH YOU ARE REQUESTING FROM THE DISTRICT What you are planning to spend must not exceed what you are bringing in Separate lines for each category, but not each item This includes the money from your club, partnering clubs, and the money you are requesting from the district. Click on “Add a Budget Item” under EXPENSES to add funds that you will spend. Click On “Add Project Financing” under EXPECTED INCOME to add the funding sources- District Grant is one line entry, Club Cash or other contribution is a separate line item. INCOME AND EXPENSES MUST MATCH!!
APPLY: Review All Information Under the Project Description tab, you can review all the information you have compiled including the project detail, project application, and budget. You can even print it out so you have a copy for your records. This is the best place to go to review your entire application to ensure that everything is there and you are not missing any information. IF you are missing, something, go back to that section and fill it in. THERE IS NO FORMAL SUBMIT BUTTON SO ONCE YOU HAVE VERIFIED EVERYTHING IS THERE, YOU ARE DONE You will receive emails letting you know when your grant is approved.
Be Sure to Complete the Application More than Half of the Grants Submitted are Incomplete!!!! Application Tab Not Completed Budget Tab Not Completed – Income and Expenses must be EQUAL No Contact Information Provided This is a key step in the application process and one of the most frequent initial errors from last year. The heading on the application page warns you, but a number of clubs didn’t follow the direction. If you don’t follow this step and complete your application, you’ll get a note from us. If you still don’t complete this required information, your application will be rejected. I know this path isn’t intuitive and requires multiple clicking on several menus, but this is ClubRunner! The site works if you follow the guidance provided and does give the District great administrative support. It may not be as streamlined as we wish, but, read the headings and follow the steps!!
FOLLOW-UP: Sharing News & Information Emails are automatically generated to the person who submitted the report. The person submitting the report is responsible for forwarding emails to anyone else who needs to know. The system will provide you emails at each stage of the process. Some, like one requesting additional information, will require you to make changes to your application. The email will include the details of the request, but you can also see it in The Activity Log of your grant. If you fail to make those changes or provide the information requested, it is likely your grant application will be rejected. To check on the progress of your District Grant Application, go to the District 6440 Website, go to the District Grants section, click on the “View All Grants” tab and click on your grant. If you click on the “Activity Log” tab you will see the series of communications relating to your District Grant application. Emails are automatically generated to the person who submitted the report. The person submitting the report is responsible for forwarding emails to anyone else who needs to know. The system will provide you emails at each stage of the process. Some, like one requesting additional information, will require you to make changes to your application. The email will include the details of the request, but you can also see it in The Activity Log of your grant. If you fail to make those changes or provide the information requested, it is likely your grant application will be rejected. To check on the progress of your District Grant Application, go to the District 6440 Website, go to the District Grants section, click on the “View All Grants” tab and click on your grant. If you click on the “Activity Log” tab you will see the series of communications relating to your District Grant application.
FOLLOW-UP: Individual Project Report If you have NOT FILED YOUR REPORT for your 2018-19 projects, including your Excess Grant allocation project, return to your grant for that year and click on it to submit your Individual Project Report. This is a required report for all District Grant Projects. If you don’t complete the report, you will not be eligible to receive additional grants. If you don’t compete it within two years, we will ask you to return the .money. So, complete this report as soon as your project is complete. UPLOAD ALL RECEIPTS AND EXPENSES TO THE DOCUMENT TAB WITHIN THE GRANT APPLICATION. It is important that you keep receipts and accounting of the funds for District Grant projects for 5 years!!! If you are asked for these details and don’t have them, we’ll want our money back. Some of you have already completed you 2017-18 projects. If you have, return to your grant for that year and click on it to submit your Individual Project Report. This is a required report for all District Grant Projects. If you don’t complete the report, you will not be eligible to receive additional grants. If you don’t compete it within two years, we will ask you to return the money. So, complete this report as soon as your project is complete. It is important that you keep receipts and accounting of the funds for District Grant projects for 5 years!!! If you are asked for these details and don’t have them, we’ll want our money back.
ASK FOR HELP Mary Bak District Grants Coordinator, 2019-20 Glenview Sunrise Rotary distgrants@rotary6440.org