pHase 1 payments Changes from SSA 12/2018 Mary Lynn ReVoir Kevin starts Mary Lynn ReVoir National Disability Institute
Phase 1 payments Focus today on Phase 1 Payments Recent Changes made by SSA Proof of services It has always been proof of earnings (SSA can collect or EN can submit) Today’s training skims the surface on the complexity of payment eligibility and processing FAQ on Payments under Member Resources
How does aden get paid? Outcomes based pay structure (Pay for Success) 80% to Member/ 20% retained by ADEN Criteria for each payment must be met. Level of earnings For a specific time period (a month or multiple months) Gross Wages for a calendar month – not always lined up with pay periods Anything else that prevents Phase 1 payments? YES If the Participant has successful VR case closure none of Phase 1 payments are available. If the Participant worked during the 18 months prior to Ticket assignment, some or all of the Phase 1 payments may not be available. KN
Let’s take a look Starting 1/1/19 the TWL is $880
SSA changes to Phase 1 payments Changes made by SSA Oversight from Congress, SSA has become very strict on issuing payments. ADEN Members best practice in order to be paid for Phase 1 Payments When a Participant is working above Trial Work level ($880/month starting 1/1/2019), the Member will need to collect paystubs and post to the Participant portal record under Notes for the initial 12 months of working. Keeping you informed Any update or information about a possible payment, ML is posting updates in Participants Portal record under Notes If action is needed by Member, ML will email the Member If you post information regarding payments (responding to email or paystubs, etc.) you need to email ML otherwise, we do not know it has been posted.
What if I don’t get paystubs? First, collecting paystubs only applies to Phase 1 payments. If an EN doesn’t have paystubs or can’t get them, then: The EN (you) will need to wait until SSA has the evidence of earnings in their system which will delay eligible payments. The EN will need to prove dates and services provided For you this is being sure monthly contact is made and documentation of services is posted under Participant Services. The ADEN Director will submit to SSA on your behalf. If no Participant Services for the month posted, then no request for payment will be made. What if I can’t get the paystubs from the Participant? Same as the answer above.
Paystubs SSA requires the paystub needs to contain: name, gross wages for the pay period, pay date, pay period start date and pay period end date. They will reject if missing these elements; they will not accept an employer prepared payroll report. (needs to show FICA tax held) Add the scan of the paystub under NOTE for the Participant record. In the subject of the Note it helps to enter month/year, i.e. Oct.2018 Pay Stubs. You can attach up to 3 paystubs if needed. Do not scan all of the paystubs in one scan. If possible, please upload each one separately. If you can label the name of the paystub scan with some information, i.e. 10.2018_Paystub Once you upload, look at the scan to be sure you can see everything. If I can’t see, SSA will not be able to see it – so I will not be able to submit.
When does the Member get paid Around the 20th of the month following the receipt of the payment Direct deposit into your bank account. Prior to your first payment you will be sent forms to complete. How do I know if I will be getting a payment? Look at the Member Org record in the ADEN Portal under “Contributions” How do I know when I got paid? When payment has been made the email name provided on the Payment Authorization Form will receive email notice. Look at the Member Org record in the ADEN Portal under “Grants” ML
What can I do to help get paid? If Participant is employed, be sure you have entered a relationship with an employer If Participant is employed, be sure you keep pay information (wages and hours, dates) current Discuss with Participant before assigning the Ticket, during the IWP development, at the time signing the IWP, when starting job – you need them to send (email if they are comfortable with this, fax, mail) you a copy of all paystubs for the 12 months of employment. Post paystubs under Notes in Participant portal record and email Mary Lynn you did Payments are very complex; they will be delayed; be patient and trust we are keeping an eye on them.