Structure of Molecular Rydberg States in Supercritical Alkanes Gary L. Findley, Chemistry Department, University of Louisiana at Monroe Monroe, LA 71209 We have measured and successfully simulated the absorption spectra of Xe and CH3I in CF4 using a single set of intermolecular potential parameters for each dopant/CF4 system. Example simulations of CH3I in CF4 are shown to the left as blue lines in comparison to experiment (black lines). The first moment of the simulated band is given below as a function of reduced number density ρr (ρr = ρ/ρc) and clearly illustrates the critical point effect (red points). This grant has supported research on perturber critical point effects on the structure of low-n Rydberg states and on the energy of the quasi-free electron in the perturber, which has resulted in two dissertations, six papers published in peer-reviewed journals, other papers currently in submission.