Implementation of the WFD on coastal and transitional waters in France Franck BRUCHON Seine Normandy Water Agency
Definition of waterbodies Creation of specific working group for C&T waters in july 2001 System B + bottom-up approach Coastal waters : obligatory factors + wave exposure + substrate composition Transitional waters: obligatory factors (in a first step) Study of pertinence and data accessibility for each factor, at national scale
State of data availability
Salinity Definition Causes of variability Measurements Models Amount of salts per kg of water (average 35 to 37 ‰) Causes of variability Marker of freshwater inputs (1 ‰ decrease 3% freshwater) Evaporation in very confined zones (lagoons) Measurements RNO, REPHY databases…. Advantages : rapidly accessible data Drawbacks: uncomplete coverage of the coast, poor description of variability Models Advantages : good coverage and description of variability Drawbacks: validation to be conducted
Salinity (spatial variability) Atlantic coast Bay of Lannion Effects of large estuaries (Loire, Gironde, Adour) Local effects (Douron, Leguer, Yar…..)
Salinity (temporal variability) Measurements north of Oléron island Model results
Definition of waterbodies Factors: latitude x longitude x salinity (mean; std. dev.) x tidal range (incl. use of numerical models) mixing characteristics x transport conditions (residual tidal and wind-induced currents) x interaction with the bottom (wave exposure, maxi current velocity, susbstrate composition ) Method testing on Seine Normandy coast (Channel) and Mediterranean sea Methodological improvement/adjustments Application to all French transitional and coastal waters Results expected in spring 2002 Preliminary approaches: LB: 18 sectors ; 88 zones SN: 8 sectors ; 21 zones RMC : 50 zones estimated Total for all France : 180-200 zones Grouping of certain zones considered to avoid reaching a too large amount of zones Taking into consideration pressures of human activities on the defined zones -sub-dividing or regrouping defined zones
Artificial and Heavily modified waters A methodological document A test-application on Seine Normandy coast (simultaneously to the waterbodies definition test)
Protected areas List and cartography of all protected areas, considering the different types and levels of protection RAMSAR, SPZ, Natural reserves, national parks…. Human activities areas: bathing, shellfarming… Method testing on 2 coasts : outh brittany and east Mediterranea Method improvement for national application