Think-Pair-Share Write down your answer on the paper What is Technology? Think-Pair-Share Write down your answer on the paper
Google the word Technology Write down the definition of Technology provided by Google on your paper
Record the difference of your definition and the definition that Google gave you Record this information on your paper
tech·nol·o·gy /tekˈnäləjē/ noun the application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes, especially in industry. "advances in computer technology" machinery and equipment developed from the application of scientific knowledge. the branch of knowledge dealing with engineering or applied sciences.
Let’s Watch this video clip
Technology Main Points An invention that solves a problem Makes life easier or... Changes the way we interact with the world
So what do you think? Is a table and a chair technology?
You will make a short presentation answering the following questions What does this technology help us do? What problem does this invention solve? How does this change we interact with the world? The next few slides is my example---you will make your own
Is it technology? Mrs. Todaro The Pencil Is it technology? Mrs. Todaro
What does a pencil help us do? It helps us to write It helps us to draw
What problems does a pencil solve? Before pencils, people used a quill and ink to write and it could be messy. Also we needed both the quill and the ink to write or draw. A pencil is cleaner to use We only need only a pencil now and not two things to do the same job
How does a pencil change how we interact with the world? A pencil changes the way we interact with the world because we can carry it anywhere. We can write or draw anywhere. We can use it write anything we want anytime we want.
Let’s take a look at your requirements Go back to my website and go to the 6th grade Technology page---find the button that says---Project Requirements