Preliminary Results of Localization and Characterization of Steady Infrasound Source as Detected by I31KZ A. Smirnov1, V. Kunakov1, A. Le Pichon2, J. Guilbert2, D. Ponceau2 1 Institute of Geophysical Researches, NNC, Kazakhstan 2 CEA/DASE, BP12, 91680 Bruyères-le-Châtel, France
Previous investigations First, signals from the studied source were detected in 2006 when analyzing the IS31’s PMCC automatic bulletins. A permanent source was found at 185-190° azimuths. This source generated (and is generating) the vast majority of the station registered detections. The satellite images show that the signals come from the area where the Zhanazhol oil and gas field’s flares are situated. We could not determine exactly that the Zhanazhol flares generate these signals using the IS31 data only (Smirnov, ITW2006).
Objectives Confirmation of the source origin via: Installation of the temporary infrasound array apart of IS31 Installation of single microbarometer close to source Ray-tracing modeling and comparing with the observations
Temporary array site survey Requirements: Array has to be installed at the first stratospheric bounce (~200 km) to the east; It has to be at a significant distance from IS31 to ensure reliable source localization (the angle between rays from the stations to the source has to be neither too acute nor too obtuse). The Akbulak seismic array, a part of the Kazakh National Nuclear Center’s monitoring system, was chosen for temporary array installation. The array position perfectly satisfied the requirements. Another positive moment is that power supply, protection, etc. are available at the station sites.
Temporary array installation
Temporary array configuration Akbulak seismic array
Source localization
Flair detections on the arrays and the wind speed Azimuth (°) I13KZ: D = 212 km, qtho = 187° Azimuth (°) Akbulak: D = 188 km, qtho = 243° Wind speed (m/s)
PSD from Akbulak & I31KZ
Coherency between channels from Akbulak
Single Station Installation Distance from Zhanazhol to IS31 is 244.9 km Distance from Zhanazhol to ABKAR is 219.4 km
Zhanazhol flare system Click onto pictures to view clips
Color scale?
Color scale?
May be we show wind model too? Sign of the azimuth deviation is opposite with one on the slides 15 and 16
More studies
Bonus Explosion in Koktau quarry IS31: 2007-09-23 13:49:15.000 2007-09-23 13:50:50.000 0.6850 3.8050 0.00529 84.1 0.347 0.2149 0.0076 141 0.05 0.57 2.1178 |1|1|1|1|1|1|1|1 AKB: 2007-09-23 13:52:20.000 2007-09-23 13:55:30.000 0.2950 2.6350 0.00922 337.3 0.358 1.1003 0.0073 93 0.01 0.72 1.3266 |1|1|1|1 Explosion in Koktau quarry