Taxonomy of public services Denis Dechandon, Anikó Gerencsér Publications Office of the European Union Standardisation Unit Metadata Sector 16/05/2019
Why? A taxonomy structures the categories and subjects of an organisation Tool to access information Classification and enrichment of the data Enable cross-referencing between resources Avoid the use of imprecise terminology Enhance semantic and terminological interoperability Foster multilingualism Discoverability and re-use of information
How? Structure the knowledge Semantic web technologies Modelling with standards RDF (Resource Description Framework) OWL (Web Ontology Language) SKOS (Simple Knowledge Organisation System) Identify with URIs SKOS – Simple Knowledge Organisation System Concepts identified by URIs organised in concept schemes Labels preferred / alternative / hidden multilingual Notes Definition/scope note/editorial, history and change note Semantic (concept-to-concept) relations Broader/narrower/related Semantic web technologies SPARQL query language Excel RDF Triple stores Linked Open Data Shared collaborative tools