Agenda IR CEIEI Revision w/checklist Much Ado HW: Review Vocab 7A Watch Act II Quiz Act II Start Act III Exit ticket: Claim for 9 alignments HW: Review Vocab 7A
Reminders 3/7/18 Get your IR book – we are reading today! Vocabulary Unit 7A quiz Friday, 3/9 Book Talks When?? Jacob, Jason, Griffin You should bring Much Ado About Nothing to class EVERY DAY!
Book talks/Narrative plea/ Independent reading
Ceiei revision w/checklist
Much ado About nothing Watch Act II Quiz, Act II Start Act III Practice Claim for 9 Alignments
On an index card, write a claim about a character and an alignment On an index card, write a claim about a character and an alignment. If you need a frame, use the one below: ________________(a character) represents _________________________ because….