Library Media Specialist Evaluator Training SY 12-13


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Presentation transcript:

Library Media Specialist Evaluator Training SY 12-13 Library Media Education Dept, C&I Andy Spinks, Supervisor Evaluation Systems Office, HR Dr. Michael Shanahan, CHRO

Library Media Specialists Research has shown that strong library media programs directly impact student achievement

Library Media Specialists The achievement impact of the program is primarily determined by the job performance of the library media specialist (LMS)

Agenda Cobb Keys Model & Research Basis LMS Job Expectations Performance Rubric (Standards & Elements) Defined Role vs. “Other Duties as Assigned” Overview of LMS Evaluation Process Instructional Observation Documentation Review Annual Evaluation

Framework for New Evaluation System Cobb Keys Evaluation System is based on a growth and accountability model LMS Evaluation System has been revised to align with Teacher evaluation system Performance expectations are aligned with research on student achievement Levels of proficiency are designed to provide room (and direction) for even the best LMS to grow

Performance Rubric & Examples of Evidence

LMS Performance Rubric Four Performance Standards, 16 Elements Curriculum and Planning (4 Elements) Standards-Based Instruction (4 Elements) Instructional Environment (3 Elements) Program Leadership (5 Elements) Examples of evidence are just that, examples. This is NOT a checklist!

LMS Performance Rubric CURRICULUM AND PLANNING (CP) The LMS plans for the effective use of library media resources in supporting the curriculum and addressing the needs of the school population.

LMS Performance Rubric Elements: Curriculum and Planning (CP) CP 1 The LMS selects and orders library media resources that support the school’s curriculum, needs, and population. CP 2 The LMS organizes the library media facilities and resources in a way that maximizes their accessibility and effectiveness. CP 3 The LMS maintains and manages the school library media automation system. CP 4 The LMS collaborates with teachers to plan instruction that uses library media resources to address content-area curriculum standards.

LMS Performance Rubric STANDARDS-BASED INSTRUCTION (SBI) The LMS uses research-based practices to help students and staff achieve 21st century information literacy.

LMS Performance Rubric Elements: Standards-Based Instruction (SBI) SBI 1 The LMS collaboratively teaches 21st century information literacy to help students master content- area curriculum standards. SBI 2 The LMS uses instructional tools and practices that are effective and engaging. SBI 3 The LMS collaborates with classroom teachers to use assessment tools to monitor student progress and adjust instruction. SBI 4 The LMS instructs students and staff in the legal and ethical use of information.

LMS Performance Rubric INSTRUCTIONAL ENVIRONMENT (IE) The LMS creates a safe, productive, collaborative, and inviting learning environment that fosters a sense of community and personal responsibility to ensure that students maximize learning.

LMS Performance Rubric Elements: Instructional Environment (IE) IE 1 The LMS establishes rules, practices, and procedures that support a positive, productive learning environment in the library media center. IE 2 The LMS maintains an inviting atmosphere in the library media center that welcomes all members of the school community, fosters a sense of community and belonging, and provides equitable access to library media resources. IE 3 The LMS maintains a flexible schedule to maximize access to library media center resources.

LMS Performance Rubric PROGRAM LEADERSHIP (PL) The LMS leads and manages the library media program in a way that maximizes its effectiveness.

LMS Performance Rubric Program Leadership (PL) PL 1 The LMS manages the library media budget, ensuring that allotted funds are expended in a timely and appropriate manner. PL 2 The LMS provides leadership for and manages the activities of the library media center staff. PL 3 The LMS provides leadership in the use of information resources. PL 4 The LMS ensures that the library media program (including its services, policies, and procedures) is evaluated and revised on an ongoing basis to ensure its effectiveness. PL 5 The LMS promotes the library media program to all stakeholders.

Role of the LMS vs. “Other Duties as Assigned” Schools are more short-staffed than ever, but administrators must carefully consider the student achievement “opportunity costs” when deciding how to allocate staff. The following are examples of activities that are not included on the Performance Rubric for library media specialists:

Role of the LMS vs. “Other Duties as Assigned” Example: Technology Support & Repair The LMS should be a leader in instructional technology integration, but technology repair and support should be performed by the field technicians in the Technology Support Division. Also, the LMS should not enter Remedy tech requests for other staff members. Employees get better tech support when they request support directly through email, phone, or through the Remedy system.

Role of the LMS vs. “Other Duties as Assigned” Example: Technology Inventory The annual DOE technology inventory must be submitted by the principal, and the data collection can be performed by any member of the clerical staff. Collecting the data for the survey does not require the qualifications of an instructional staff member with masters-level (or higher) certification.

Role of the LMS vs. “Other Duties as Assigned” Example: Accelerated Reader / Reading Counts Promoting reading is an important role of the LMS, but the use of commercial reading incentive programs is not recommended. Despite advertising claims, these programs are NOT supported by research and consequently are not supported by the district library media education (LME) department or the district English Language Arts department. For schools that choose to adopt these programs, we recommend that they be operated by parent volunteers. For more info, contact the LME department or click this link:

Role of the LMS vs. “Other Duties as Assigned” Example: Daily Video Production/News Program If implemented properly, video production programs can be a great project-based learning experience for the students involved, and they can be used to promote information literacy and the library media program. However, daily live broadcasts produced by the same small group of students fall far short of fulfilling the learning potential of the video production resources. Contact the LME department for suggestions on how to maximize the instructional use of these resources.

Role of the LMS vs. “Other Duties as Assigned” Schools never have all the staff they need, and consequently everyone must “wear multiple hats,” but please be cognizant of how much of your library media specialist’s time is spent on tasks that are not part of the performance rubric. The performance expectations listed on the rubric are those that research has shown have the greatest impact on student achievement. Concentrating your library media specialist’s work on the standards of the performance rubric will increase your library media program’s contribution to student achievement.

Overview of Evaluation Process Aug-Sept Orientation Conference Sept-Feb Instructional Observation(s) Observation Feedback Conference(s) Feb Documentation Review Conference March Annual Evaluation Conference

Preparation and Orientation Review the “Library Media Programs and Student Achievement” research summary Review the Performance Evaluation Instructions and the Performance Rubric Hold an Orientation Conference with the LMS to ensure mutual understanding of performance expectations and evaluation process High Schools can do this with both people, unless one requests a private conference Ensure that other members of the A-team have a common understanding of the role and expectations of the LMS

Instructional Observation & Feedback Conference

Instructional Observation Scheduling Observations LMS must be doing whole-class instruction Instruction should be co-planned with classroom teacher, so LMS will need to let you know in advance when these observation opportunities will occur Thirty minute observation (minimum) Two observations are required if the LMS has 3 yrs or less total library media experience Observe early and often, especially if you have performance concerns

Instructional Observation Conducting Instructional Observations Use the Instructional Observation Form to document Record your observations as you are observing YES = you saw it NO = you did not see it, but you expected to see it and made sure to look for it NA = you did not see it and didn’t expect to see it Use the form to help guide your observation Focus on items without an “NA” option Take specific notes, especially for any item marked “NO”

Observation Feedback Conference Remember that the purpose of the evaluation process is to help them grow professionally The Observation Feedback Conference, in particular, should be thought of as employee “Assessment For Learning” Discuss any areas that might need special attention during the Documentation Review Conference Ask the LMS what kinds of support you might provide to help them improve

Documentation Review

Documentation Review Conference Many elements of the LMS role cannot be evaluated through instructional observation alone This conference gives the evaluator and LMS an opportunity to review other evidence of performance Essentially a “portfolio assessment” of the library media specialist’s work Should take place toward the end of the evaluation cycle, but not at the last minute May be combined with an observation feedback conference, but this is not recommended May NOT be combined with the Annual Evaluation Conference

Examples of “Documentation” LMC Calendar, Schedule, or Sign-up book Collaborative Instructional Plans Example assessments or assessment data Examples of student work Newsletters, flyers, blog posts, website, and any other promotional or informational materials Photos or descriptions of library media events, programs, or promotions

Examples of “Documentation” Library Media committee minutes Surveys or other evidence of Destiny circulation reports Destiny collection analysis reports Budget tracking spreadsheet Documentation of individual student visits Tables, graphs, or other quantitative summaries of any of the above

Documentation Review Conference Use the Documentation Review Form to record your findings Complete the electronic form during the meeting Yes, No, and NA work the same Use the form to help guide your conference Focus on items without an “NA” option Take the time to examine all the materials the LMS brings to the conference Give them a chance to show you what they do Take specific notes, especially for any item marked “NO”

Documentation Review Conference If there are items on the form you feel should be marked “NO,” be sure to discuss these with the LMS before finalizing the form Comments are required for any “NO” items It is not necessary to copy or retain the documents the LMS brings to the conference, only the form

Annual Evaluation

Annual Evaluation Process Completing the Annual Report Form Assign a rating to each of the 16 Performance Standard Elements Rating Scale Proficient: Highly competent, skilled, an expert Emerging: Evolving, showing new or improved development Not Evident: Not easy to see; not obvious

Annual Evaluation Process Commentary is required for each standard, so help your LMS grow by giving thoughtful, meaningful, personalized commentary – no cut-n-paste! Relate comments to the Standard and the Elements Support the assigned rating Honestly address performance Acknowledge recent growth and future potential In areas where improvement is needed, provide specific recommendations for growth In areas where the LMS shines, provide specific praise Show that you understand the scope of what they do!

Annual Evaluation Process Professional Duties & Responsibilities (PDR) Seven of twelve items in the PDR section are the same as those on the teacher evaluation. These five are different: #2. Maintains accurate records of library media materials using Destiny Library Manager #3. Manages the media materials allotment and other accounts according to district guidelines #4. Protects patron privacy and maintains confidentiality regarding student and records information #5. Complies with the policies, procedures, rules, and guidelines of the school, district, and state #8. Maintains positive working relationships with others in the school community

Evaluations Deadline! IMPORTANT!!! This includes: Observations Feedback conferences Documentation Review Completion of annual reports Annual evaluation conferences Library Media Specialists, Teachers, and paraprofessionals OCGA 20-2-210 – In compliance with Georgia law, ALL certified evaluation activity must be completed prior to March 29, 2013! IMPORTANT!!!

All Certified Employees Professional Development Plans (PDP) HR’s Professional Standards and Ethics Department oversees the implementation of Professional Development Plans (PDP) to support certified employees with performance deficiencies Contact Mary Finlayson, Director