Welcome to Ashcombe Primary School Class of 2019-2020
Aims of the evening- Share our ethos Starting school How we learn REAL projects Meet the team Induction, home visits and settling in Communication
Ashcombe Primary School We are really excited to welcome you to our Ashcombe family. We will be building a strong relationship with you and your child and we really look forward to starting their school career and learning journey together
Early Years Foundation Stage 7 areas of learning in our curriculum- Personal, social and emotional development Physical development Communication and language Literacy Maths Understanding of the World Expressive arts and design
Characteristics of Effective Learning Playing and Exploring Active Learning Creating and Thinking Critically
REAL projects Do all heroes wear capes. How do you cook a story REAL projects Do all heroes wear capes? How do you cook a story? How does your garden grow?
Meet the team
Tapestry An online learning diary Tapestry An online learning diary. We look for and record a personal journey through your child’s Reception year. Daily insight into your child’s day, we also look forward to your adventures at home that you can send us. Please return the Tapestry permission form and sign up with your email details. At the end of the school year you have the opportunity to download all of the photos, adventures and learning.
Communication We are in this together Communication We are in this together! We will be in the classroom in the morning and afternoon for any queries. Our Learning Mentors are also available for more specific advice or support.
Starting School Your child will only start school once so it is very important we get it right. Stay and Play Home Visits Part-time group A or B- AM/PM Part time and lunch Fulltime for all children
The first few days… Label everything! Label everything! Book bag at school everyday Water bottle kept at school Label everything! Label everything! PE bag- left in school A pair of wellies Lunch choice or Lunch Box Label everything! Coat at school everyday
Guided Tour Please come and visit your child’s new classroom We can help with any questions or queries…. Thank you for attending this evening and we look forward to working together