Future intensive field periods Recommendations Wenche Aas (EMEP/CCC)
Things to consider Scientific pressures Coverage Practical problems Where are the main uncertainties and lack of knowledge What to priority Coverage Need better spatial coverage in east of Europe (i.e. EECCA) for most components. Vertical profiles to be better explored and coordinated Practical problems Cost Need coordination with ongoing research projects
Scientific pressures (1) Flux Not typically EMEP work and dependent on research project NitroEurope do N and C flux at several sites, but these are not usually EMEP sites, which often are not suited for this Nitrogen partitioning (fine/course and gas/particle) We did already include this in previous campaigns, but not with a high spatial resolution It is expressed from several Parties a wish to evaluate the data we have before new campaigns on this topic Photochemistry – VOC (biogenic especially) It has been a focus on EC/OC, but not on the precursors Previous intensive been in fall, winter and spring. A need for a summer campaign
Scientific pressures (2) POPs: exchange between compartments (Soil, Sea, Air) Need to include other measurement communities Sites for the effect groups not necessarily collocated with EMEP ICP IM sites may be an option Expensive and demanding POPs: spatial resolution –source identification POP passive in EMEP 2006 being evaluated and new POP MONET/RECETOX being conducted (2009) Active sampler needed –too difficult (cost & competence) Heavy metal intensive for source identification Daily and or hourly data needed Cost issue
Recommendations Intensive periods are important to support the EMEP program, and for capacity building A need/wish for EU projects to get enough momentum (especially on flux, VOC, and POPs) Need to evaluate the intensive periods we have accomplished before starting a similar The most feasible things to include are maybe: Heavy metals BVOC –summer campaign Summer 2010 the earliest. May wait until 2011 to ensure we have enough energy and interest in the community