Sample traces of Tth, abdominal pumping rate, raw chamber pressure and at different PO2. Sample traces of Tth, abdominal pumping rate, raw chamber pressure.


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Presentation transcript:

Sample traces of Tth, abdominal pumping rate, raw chamber pressure and at different PO2. Sample traces of Tth, abdominal pumping rate, raw chamber pressure and at differentPO2. Traces are from the same bumblebee at (A) 20 kPa and (B) 10 kPa. Tth is given as mean ± s.d. Abdominal pumping frequency was calculated using fast Fourier transform (FFT) from the raw chamber pressure and is presented as a spectrogram showing the power (light green, low; dark green, high) for abdominal pumping frequencies between 4 Hz (240 min−1) and 6.25 Hz (375 min−1). Edward M. Dzialowski et al. J Exp Biol 2014;217:3834-3842 © 2014. Published by The Company of Biologists Ltd