Reportnet 3.0 Business Vision Presentation to NRC EIS Thursday 22nd November 2018 Reportnet 3.0 Business Vision Jon Maidens
Overview Structure of document Vision Users perspecives Key features
Reportnet 3.0 2018 deliverables TRASYS EEA Interviews Business Vision Business process evaluation DGENV and DGCLIMA Interviews Requirements Catalogue V1 Requirements Catalogue V2 Architecture TO-BE Member state Interviews Reportnet Architecture AS-IS Requirements Catalogue - Final Business process analysis INSPIRE Feasibility study report EEA Wireframes Database Feasibility study report Comments from BIG Interviews Climate and Energy
Table of Contents Section 1: Executive summary – summarizing the project vision while highlighting the key points of the document. Section 2: Introduction - provides the background to Reportnet and to this document. Section 3: Positioning Overview – brief outline of the problem to be solved by the project, description of the business opportunity addressed and summary of the solution proposed. Section 4: Stakeholders and user descriptions – Project stakeholders and system users’ description. Section 5: Features – list and brief description of the features of the proposed solution organized per step of the 10-step model proposed by the EEA. Section 6: Constraints – list of any design or external constraints, such as operational or regulatory requirements, or other dependencies. Section 7: Quality ranges – definition of the quality ranges for robustness, fault tolerance, usability, and similar characteristics
Positioning Overview Business opportunity Problem statement Summary of capabilities Expected benefits
Fitness Check Action plan – point 3 – ” Modernise eReporting including through a more advanced Reportnet and making best use of the existing infrastructure.” Level of ambition for Reportnet 3.0 based on outcome of Fitness check: Significant delay between deadline and release of final report (pg 32) System-to-system harvesting is a utopia, however there are barriers, for instance quality checking (pg 36-40) Current platform does support reporting process – dont break it (pg 49) Future capabilities in integration with other platforms e.g. Copenicus (pg 63) Enhanced quality checking explicitly built into the process (pg 71) Importance of good guidance documentation (pg 73)
User descriptions Reportnet 3.0 from the perspective of the user groups
Stakeholders and user descriptions Requester Reporter NFP Helpdesk
Reportnet 3.0 from the Requester viewpoint I can manage my design team and their access level I can monitor the support requests 2. Managed access 3. Inline support I can monitor who has access I have an overview of the number and types of issues and proactively support Requester 1. Workflow-driven I can earlier understand data issues 4. Optimised data delivery I can design and assign a workflow on one platform I can quicker process reported data I can visualise the reported data in charts and on maps 6. Collaborative 5. Dashboard overviews I can better coordinate between the reporters and support I have an overview of the status of the reporting in one place
Reportnet 3.0 from the Reporter viewpoint I find the supporting documentation with the dataflow and I use inline comm tools with helpdesk I manage the access to other verified users from my entity 2. Managed access 3. Inline support Data is pre-populated and cross-checked Reporter I decide the data delivery format 1. Workflow-driven 4. Optimised data delivery I can visualise the data in charts and on maps I find the assigned dataflows in my own personal place and am guided through reporting I see issue feedback immediately and associated with the record I can make updates on a record level and resubmit 6. Collaborative 5. Dashboard overviews I can easily work with the my team, other agencies, ETC, EEA or helpdesk on the same data I have an integrated detailed overview of the status of my dataflow
Reportnet 3.0 from the NFP viewpoint I can monitor the support requests I have an overview of my MS users access level and obligation access 2. Managed access 3. Inline support NFP 1. Workflow-driven I can visualise the data in charts and on maps 4. Optimised data delivery I can look across all dataflows and see what stage they are at I have an overview of the number and types of issues 6. Collaborative 5. Dashboard overviews I can better coordinate the reporters to meet the deadline I have an overview of the status of all my MS obligations in one place
Reportnet 3.0 from the Helpdesk viewpoint I have an overview of my MS users access level and obligation access I can monitor the support requests 2. Managed access 3. Inline support I have an overview of the number and types of issues and proactively support Helpdesk 1. Workflow-driven I can earlier in the process catch issues 4. Optimised data delivery I can look across all dataflows and see what stage they are at 6. Collaborative 5. Dashboard overviews I can better coordinate between the reporters and requesters I have an overview of the status of obligations in one place
Key concepts Hierarchy Flexibility in delivery Snapshots
REPORTER (MEMBER STATE) PERSEPCTIVE Obligation Water Framework Directive - River Basin Management Plans 2016 Data flows REPORTER (MEMBER STATE) PERSEPCTIVE Datasets The overlays show how the reporting obligation objects are linked to the wireframe objects
Confiden-tiality status Populating one table from multiple sources It is flexible for how the reporter populates a table within a dataset. Import more than one source file separately, as long as there is a common identifier for the records. The import function will enable user management for field mapping, and selection of common identifier field INSPIRE identifier Geometry (point) Thematic identifier WISE evolution type Name Media monitored Monitoring purpose Confiden-tiality status Shapefile import CSV import Monitoring station locations.SHP Monitoring stations data.CSV
Snapshot relationships in reporting flow TIME Reporting deadline AT MS adding data to dataset DATASET Data quality and completeness SNAPSHOT SNAPSHOT SNAPSHOT AT V1.0 V2.0 V3.0 DATA COLLECTION BE V1.0 V2.0 BG V1.0 V2.0 V3.0 CY V1.0 CZ V1.0 V2.0 V3.0 ... SNAPSHOT SNAPSHOT EU DATASET PRODUCT EEA V1.0 V2.0 Use to develop and test outputs Cleanse, gapfill to create harmonised EU dataset
Key features Grouped by the reporting model reference
Helping MS** to prepare their reports Reference model DG Environment 10 step guidance* Legislation "data collection" Step 5: Helping MS** to prepare their reports Step 1: Designing intervention logic and reporting products Step 4: Explaining the reporting obligations in practice "data acquisition" Step 6: Organising the data submission or harvesting Feedback loop: lessons learnt Step 2: Drafting reporting obligations in legislation Data management Feedback loop: update, corrections, re-submissions Step 10: Publishing the official report Step 7: Ensuring quality of the reported data Step 9: Presenting and disseminating results Step 3: Preparing implementing acts on reportings Step 8: Carrying out data processing and analysis "data acquisition" "data dissemination" "data processing" DG ENV With some EEA involvement Within EEA responsibility * Adapted DG ENV diagram 2018 ** MS means relevant national authority responsible for environmental reporting
Step 4 - Explaining the submission agreements in practice
Step 5 - Helping MS to prepare their reports
Step 6 - Organising the data submission or harvesting
Step 7 - Ensuring quality of the reported data
Step 8 - Carrying out data processing and analysis
Step 9 – Presenting and disseminating results Discover Access Publish
Dissemination Country deliveries European datasets European products
Other topics Data harvesting Citizen Science Copernicus
Back-up slides
Reportnet 3.0 from the Observer viewpoint I have an overview users access level and obligation access I can monitor the support requests 2. Managed access 3. Inline support I can readily access the reported raw data Observer 1. Workflow-driven 4. Optimised data delivery I can look across all dataflows and see what stage they are at I have an overview of the number and types of issues 6. Collaborative 5. Dashboard overviews I can better coordinate with the reporters and requesters I have an overview of the status of relevant obligations in one place