NFAT5+/- muscle cells are less motile. NFAT5+/- muscle cells are less motile. (A) Migration of wild-type (+/+) and NFAT5+/- myoblasts was analyzed using time-lapse microscopy. Individual cell traces from 30 cells of each genotype are shown. NFAT5+/- myoblasts migrated shorter distances than the wild type. Three independent isolates for each genotype were analyzed. (B) Mean velocity was decreased in NFAT5+/- myoblasts (*P<0.05). Data are mean ± s.e.m. of 60 cells (20 cells from each of three independent isolates). (C) Frequency histogram illustrating the distribution of cell velocities for wild-type and NFAT5+/- myoblasts. A population of rapidly moving cells was absent in NFAT5+/- myoblasts. Data are mean ± s.e.m. of 60 cells (20 cells from each of three independent isolates). Roddy S. O'Connor et al. J Cell Sci 2007;120:149-159 © The Company of Biologists Limited 2007