MODULE: TRANSITIONS In this module, you will review the definition of and different types of transitions.
Definition of Transitions Just as good drivers use the turn signal when changing direction, effective writers use words or phrases to signal the direction of their thoughts. (Possible directions are known as the patterns of organization.) The words or phrases that connect ideas and signal the direction of the author’s thoughts are called transitions.
Transitions may signal either major or minor details Transitions that may signal major details: first, second, third, next, finally, in addition, one, another, and, also, furthermore Transitions that may signal minor details: for example, to illustrate, one example, specifically, for instance, in one case
Transitions indicate the direction of an author’s Transitions indicate the direction of an author’s thoughts (the pattern of organization) Commonly Used Transitions Direction of Author’s Thoughts (Pattern of Organization) one, two, three, first, in addition, another, besides, furthermore… listing or enumerating items in a list (listing/enumeration) because, since, as, because of, due to, thanks to, the reason, cause… discussing causes (cause and effect) hence, thus, therefore, as a result, consequently… discussing effects (cause and effect) first, second, next, finally, after, before, last… showing sequence of events or chronological order (time order) means, referred to as, called, named, for example, for instance, to illustrate… defining words, ideas, concepts with examples (definition and examples)
Find the transitional words that identify the three major details in the following passage: There are many different kinds of meditation, but most of them share the same basic guidelines: adjust the posture, adjust the breathing, adjust the mind. First, adjust the posture. Sit up straight and comfortably. Put both hands on the lap. Then, adjust the breathing. Breathe deeply but naturally through the nose. Count “one” when breathing in, and count “two” when breathing out. Finally, adjust the mind. Try to block out worries and concerns. Concentrate on counting the breath. When the mind wanders, don’t become anxious, just bring concentration back.
The transitional words used to indicate the three The transitional words used to indicate the three major details are highlighted below: There are many different kinds of meditation, but most of them share the same basic guidelines: adjust the posture, adjust the breathing, adjust the mind. First, adjust the posture. Sit up straight and comfortably. Put both hands on the lap. Then, adjust the breathing. Breathe deeply but naturally through the nose. Count “one” when breathing in, and count “two” when breathing out. Finally, adjust the mind. Try to block out worries and concerns. Concentrate on counting the breath. When the mind wanders, don’t become anxious, just bring concentration back.
Concept Review Check your understanding of this module by answering the questions below. If you need help, search for these important points in the previous slides. What are transitions? Name some transitions that indicate major details. Name some transitions that indicate minor details. Name some transitions that indicate definition, comparison, contrast, cause, effect, chronological order, and listing (enumeration).