Liaison Meeting October 21, 2014 1:00 – 3:00 WELCOME!!!
Today’s Goals Ensure that grant goals are met for 2014- 15 school year. Have documented procedures for McKinney Vento Program Answer any identification questions that you may have Share information from sub-grantee meeting Answer any questions about Federal End of Year Report
Introductions Community Members Liaisons
GOALS: Goal #1: Remove barriers by developing policies, procedures and systems which support the enrollment, retention and success of homeless children and youth in our schools. Provide continued professional development to staff in school districts (District Liaison) Create a referral system so that community agencies can help schools to identify eligible students
Activities: Liaisons will provide yearly district training for school personnel and parents Grant coordinator will provide training and/or technical assistance for community agencies Grant coordinator will create and distribute referral form and distribute to community agencies.
Goals Cont. Goal #2: Provide educational and social support for homeless students in preschool through grade 12 to assist them in meeting the same academic performance standard as their peers. Establish and document procedures for ongoing monitoring of attendance and academic progress Maintain district enrollment procedures created for McKinney Vento students. Document distribution procedure for dissemination of instructional and health materials Establish a continuum of interventions for students in need of additional educational help within the school system
Activities Procedures will be documented by individual districts to monitor attendance and academic progress Housing Surveys will be distributed yearly to help identify students Procedures manual will be created by coordinator Continuum of interventions will be created at the district level
Performance Measures for Grant 55 % of identified McKinney Vento eligible students will be proficient in reading (literacy) according to NWEA or DIBELS By year three procedures will be in place to ensure that students have access to educational and other services needed Parents, students, and community agencies will be provided with educational awareness activities about McKinney Vento rights
McKinney Vento Subgrantee Meeting U.S. Department of Education = End of Year Report Observational Opportunities November Homeless Awareness Month McKinney Vento and Foster Care Food and Nutrition Services
Did we meet today’s goals Ensure that grant goals are met for 2014- 15 school year. Have documented procedures for McKinney Vento Program Answer any identification questions that you may have Share information from sub-grantee meeting Answer any questions about Federal End of Year Report