Today is Friday 5/10 HAPPY PROM Today is Friday 5/10 HAPPY PROM! HARD COPIES of your Senior Papers were due on Wednesday and Thursday! I hope you handed yours in. We also completed POST test on Wednesday. Let me know if you missed it. You can make it up today. This will measure your growth in both literary analysis and writing over the past 12 months. You have the entire period to complete the assignment. Their Eyes Were Watching God (movie) This was one of the choices on the novel list. Enjoy!
NEXT WEEK! Important Dates To Remember Periods 1-3-5 Laptops available in class on Tuesday Paper due by MIDNIGHT 5/7 (Tuesday) on google. You may provide a NEW printed copy in class on Thursday (start of class). Periods 2-4 Laptops available in class on Monday Paper due in class on Wednesday! MUST also be posted on google by midnight.
Due Last Weeek: 2 Graphic Organizers – Senior Paper 3 Peer Edits You owed three items total. (Periods 1-3-5) Five pieces of paper… Thesis Paper (Graphic Organizer) Buckets – Graphic Organizer THREE peer edits