Recycling 101 Prudential Plaza Presenter: Laura Blunk Total Recycling Program Manager Waste Management Recycling Services November 7th, 2018
Part 2: Recycling Program Part 3: Composting Program Objectives Part 1: Education Part 2: Recycling Program Part 3: Composting Program 2012 proprietary and confidential
Every year, Americans throw out 280 million tons of garbage.
How much do Americans throw away? Population World’s Garbage 30% 5% The US generates over 30% of the world’s garbage
60 % 88% 95 % = = = Energy Less Using than Raw Materials Recycling… Paper = 88% Plastic = 95 % Delete Orange Text at top of page = Aluminum
= Recycling one aluminum can saves enough energy to run a TV for two hours. = Delete Orange Text at top of page
Why Recycle Organics? Raises your recycling rate and increases your diversion rate Provides a cost-effective, Earth-friendly recycling solution for your company Reduces your carbon footprint and fosters your company’s green image 7
Part 2: Recycling Program Part 3: Composting Program Objectives Part 1: Education Part 2: Recycling Program Part 3: Composting Program 2012 proprietary and confidential
We train your cleaning staff on the collection & handling of materials Our process begins with training the cleaning staff to use our co-collection carts for paper. We also train the cleaning staff that if they see a lot of contamination in the recycling bins to throw the bag out. So if you’re ever here in the evenings and see the cleaners putting recycling into the black garbage bags it’s because there was too much contamination and it must be landfilled. The paper is put in clear bags, cardboard gets put in your compactor loosley and the bottles and cans stay in their green bag. WM picks up the compactor and brings it to Recycling Services.
Recycling Container Everyone should have a desk side recycling AND GARBAGE BIN Deskside = Paper Only NO LINERS AT DESK = CLEAN & DRY RECYCLING!
Acceptable Paper Materials A good rule of thumb is if you can rip the paper easily you can recycle it in our program.
Common Areas = Glass, Bottles, Cans Recycling Container Everyone should have a larger bin in a common area for comingled collection Common Areas = Glass, Bottles, Cans GREEN LINERS!
Acceptable Comingled Materials Bins with GREEN LINERS All plastic beverage containers & tubs, #1-5 & #7 Beverage caps acceptable Beverage cartons & boxes (aseptic packaging) All metal beverage cans All glass containers
Unacceptable Materials No bio-based plastic (compostable plastics) #6 Plastics Plastic Bags/ Film Foam
Disposable cups are NOT acceptable in ANY bin If the lid is #6 plastic, it goes in the garbage This paper sleeve CAN be recycled - place in recycling bin for collection
Part 2: Recycling Program Part 3: Composting Program Objectives Part 1: Education Part 2: Recycling Program Part 3: Composting Program 2012 proprietary and confidential
Landfill/Trash Dedicated recycling containers Deskside Kitchen Common Areas Mail/Copy Areas Public Areas Food waste/compost Kitchenette/ Lunchroom/ Meeting Center
All products must be BPI certified with ASTM D6400 and/or ASTM D6868. Check your containers Compostable Foodservice Products Packaging Paper Products (napkins, paper towels, waxed paper) Bio-Bags Paper plates, bowls, cups etc.
Unacceptable Items Metal/Foil Glass Plastic bottles/cups Foam Latex and Plastic Gloves Rubber Bands, Wire Chip Bags Food Wrappers or condiment packages Tape, Rope, Twine
Questions? Thank you for attending! Laura Blunk Total Recycling Program Manager