Title BAAM!
BAAM! RULES 1. Decide which team goes first. 2. Appoint a scorekeeper. 3. Teams answer correctly and earn money. If a team is correct, they can continue until max. 3 times or until they get BAAM! 4. If a team hits BAAM! they go bankrupt! 5. The team with the most money at the end is the winner.
Pick a Number! Don't get BAAMed! 1 2 3 4 5 X X X X X 6 7 13 14 15 X X X X X X Pick a Number! Don't get BAAMed! The End
Take some aspirins, drink some fruit juice and stay at home for a couple of days. Doctor $100
Good evening. What would you like to drink? Waiter $10
BAAM! You are broke!
I do fashion shows and sometimes photos for magazines Model $300
BAAM! Unlucky!
Open your books and read the texts on page 24 Teacher $10
First put some water in the test tube and then add the magnesium sulphate. Scientist
I’ve got a big part in the new production of Romeo and Juliet I’ve got a big part in the new production of Romeo and Juliet. I play the part of Juliet! Actress
This is your captain speaking. Please, fasten your seatbelts. Pilot
BAAM! You lost everything!
Great Job!