Upward Bound - Summer 2019 General Assembly June 20, 2019
Academic Announcements - Ms. Malcolm Mid-Summer Progress Reports Released Week of July 8 University Directory ID/Password - Instructions will be emailed to students. For those who are in the Payroll System, set up your Directory ID/Password this weekend. University Photo ID cards will be created after students have created Directory ID/Password.
Resident Life Friday: Check-Out is from 4:00-6:00 p.m. Prior to check-out, students must: pack belongings to be taken home clean room and remove all trash turn in keys and meal card at Queen Anne Hall Sunday, June 23: Check in 7:00-9:00pm.
Resident Life Student Responsibility Board Elections Sunday June 23, 2019 We will have a representative from each grade (10th, 11th , 12th) and an At-Large Position. Students planning on running must have a 1-2 min speech prepared by Sunday before our dorm meeting. You will present to your peers, and voting will take place following. These positions are important to the continued well-being of our community. As SRB Representative, you will be charged with the hearing, reviewing, and administration of citations for the majority of write-up of your peers. Under the guidance of a TC, Myself, and Dr. Hardy.
Counseling Mr. Beaubrun, Ms. Malcolm
OFF-CAMPUS LEAVE PROCEDURE At least twenty-four hours in advance (non-emergency), the student's parent must contact the assigned counselor to confirm the need for a student to leave campus during program operating hours PARENTS: Please take into consideration the educational need for students to remain on campus and on task Program Counselor decides if the request is valid and completes and signs the form; Form is submitted to Director for approval; Once approved to go off campus, the student is given the original copy and the counselor distributes copies as designated components/residential departments for security reasons Counselor confirms with the hospitality desk staff that the student departs and then returns to campus as scheduled. If a student fails to return when expected, PARENTS MUST CONTACT THE OFFICE
(LATE)FORMS Parents Please Submit all Late forms to your counselor: IMMEDIATELY
College-Career Portfolio, Ms. McDaniel
SGA IS WORKING FOR YOU! Announcements Coming Soon: Community Service Project Spirit Week: Week 5 (July 15-19) Let us know how we can help you! Gabriella, Keren, and Mave
Parent Engagement Parent Meeting - June 23, 7:15pm - Somerset Hall (Basement) **All parents are encouraged to attend.** Parent Service Opportunities Monitor Study Hall M-Th; 7-9:00pm Contact Mrs. Maduka, Parent Liaison, nnem5@yahoo.com Assist with Mock Interview, Friday, July 19, 8am-12 noon Contact Ms. Malcolm, Coordinator, mmalcolm@umd.edu Assist with End-of-Summer Event Planning Contact Mrs. Maduka, Parent Liaison, nnem5@yahoo.com Donate non-perishable snacks & beverages Earn 1 hour for every $10 spent. Receipts required.
New York - Pennsylvania - New Jersey Summer College Tour New York - Pennsylvania - New Jersey Aug 5th - Aug 9th Apply: lift.umd.edu Cost : 299$ Tentative Schools: -New York University -Columbia University -University of Pennsylvania -Temple University -Lincoln University -Princeton University -Rutgers University Registration is on a first-come first-serve basis !!!
Words from the Director