ThomX – Commissioning Meeting – 25/01/2018


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Presentation transcript:

ThomX – Commissioning Meeting – 25/01/2018

Meeting organization Regular meetings every 3rd Thursday of the month (next one 15 February) Distribution of the agenda, calendar... => Working environment: Mailing list: (11 persons/recipients) Preparation of the commissioning team (meetings with the different groups) Already organized: vacuum system, diagnostics, magnets Next ones: RF cavity, synchronization, control system…

Preliminary planning (as for July 2017)

Commissioning planning (recent updates) The planning should be updated and put in TWiki + Atrium (revision of the planning every commissioning meeting) System of the Safety and Radioprotection: procurement is done in November 2017, all procedures should be finished by the end of February 2018, delivery is expected in Autumn 2018 => very important for the beam commissioning to start ASN authorization request to be send + temporary agreement to start the commissioning of the injector LINAC: RF gun girder to be ready in March/April 2018, installation is expected in May 2018 RING: vacuum chambers to be delivered in June 2018, vacuum test at LAL afterwards. Transfer of the girders (Build. 208 to IGLEX) in Autumn 2018. Kicker + Septum => delivery expected in the end of 2018 or choose another strategy (another producer, temporary alternative injection scheme…) The commissioning with beam => start in the end of 2018 (beginning of 2019)

Commissioning strategy INJECTOR Phase I The final assembly and the hardware testing => started/ongoing Phase II Goal: characterization of the RF-gun + Linac + Transfer Line + Extraction Line Phase III Goal: reach the injector design parameters. Preparation of the different working points for the SR STORAGE RING Phase I The final assembly and the hardware testing => started/ongoing Phase II Goal: obtain stored beam of sufficient quality Phase III Goal: reach the SR design parameters Phase IV Goal: operate with the Fabry-Perot cavity and test the X-ray production Optimization of the Interaction Point => X-ray production To be optimized given the problem with pulsed magnets => include different scenarios

Commissioning: subsystem status Installation is completed, alignment checked shortly before commissioning Radiation protection and safety systems are fully implemented Synchronization system is implemented and tested Magnets are installed and checked (PS control, polarity…) Technical interlocks are tested Vacuum ideally 10-10 mbar RF cavity is conditioned Feedback systems are installed and tested All beam diagnostics are installed and tested All functionality tests are completed Control system is fully implemented and tested Injection/extraction system (septum + kickers) is tested or alternative injection scheme for the SR commissioning All applications are developed for the commissioning

HL applications to be discussed during the future meetings Current status Save/Restore the machine configuration First turns applications BPM test programs Orbit correction Optical functions measurement Tune display and control ORM measurements Chromaticity measurement Injection matching Closed orbit bumps Lattice symmetry restoration (LOCO) Emittance measurement BBA Phase I of the commissioning is ongoing (full installation, alignment and the hardware testing phase) Very important to optimize the start of beam commissioning: tests of the control system => define timeline and integrate in the planning setting and testing of the MML configuration/control of the devices testing of the different hardware on-site with its control system test of the applications/GUI for commissioning Organization of the commissioning ( validate and approve the shift schedules, shift team composition, documentation, start-up procedures)