Economic outlook 2015 Humble growth but solid foundation Pimpaka Nichgaroon, CFA (66) 2617 4977 January 2015
Humble growth but solid foundation We expect GDP growth of 4.0% in 2015 versus 1.0% in 2014. It is called humble growth because it is coming up from a very low base in 2014 when we had political crisis. Key drivers are resuming investments from both public and private sectors while consumption and exports will remain weak. Despite unexciting growth, Thailand’s economic foundation is very solid with low debt and plenty of excess liquidity. Risk is in 2H15 when the draft of the new constitution will come out. 2
Economic turnaround Cyclically, 4% GDP growth in 2015 should not be difficult to achieve and we don’t believe it requires consumption to get back on track. We expect a full-year turnaround in 2016 with full-steam infrastructure spending after a year of heavy bidding for contracts in 2015. GDP Growth Sources: NESDB, Bank of Thailand, Thanachart estimates 3
Economic turnaround Stages of economic recovery are: 4Q14F = G; 1H15 = G+I; 2H15 = G+I+C 2016F = Full-year effect of G+I+C Potential Stages Of Recovery Sources: NESDB, Thanachart estimates 4
Sustainable Thailand – stable politics We Foresee A New Political Landscape Source: Thanachart estimates 5
Sustainable Thailand – stable economic growth Extreme political instability from 2005 onward caused big swings in GDP growth. That was due to governments targeting populism as their economic driver rather than investments. GDP Swings Over Past 10 Years To Come To An End Sources: NESDB, Thanachart estimates 6
Sustainable Thailand – plenty of liquidity Thailand is unique in the region in that it has excess liquidity (to the tune of 22% of GDP). We see this as a cushion against capital outflow risk from a reversing US rate trend, reducing the impact from the Fed exit strategy on the domestic economy and Thai baht. Huge Excess Liquidity Kept At BOT Source: Bank of Thailand 7
Sustainable Thailand – multi-year infra cycle Swift identification of investment projects as they have been part of the NESDB’s economic roadmap for a decade. Given the drastic cut to populism policies (4-5% of GDP p.a.), financing of the new infrastructure cycle should not be a problem in our view. Planned Infrastructure Project Spending Planned Funding Sources Source: Ministry of Transport Source: Public Debt Management Office; 8
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