Changes to Order of Service 10:50 -Time of reflective prayer & heart preparation - 11:00 – Welcome & Opening chorus - Responsive Scripture reading - Song / Special music (children’s church dismissed) - Message - Invitation Song - Prayer Needs & missionary moment - Praise testimonies - Songs of worship - Monthly memory verse - Specific announcements -Dismiss with prayer *Reminder of offering boxes in the back of the church
Changes & Why Priority of the Word Response of Praise “preach the word” (2 Tim. 4:2). Preaching must come first in the life of the church before anything else can find its rightful place. Response of Praise “Now when the Gentiles heard this, they were glad and glorified the word of the Lord…” (Acts 13:48) Giving intentionally, purposefully, and cheerfully “prepare your bountiful gift beforehand” (2 Cor.9:5,7,12-13)
Romans 2:28-29 The FINAL VERDICT Part 2
Righteousness DEMONSTRATED Righteousness CREDITED Romans Overview 6:1 – 8:39 SANCTIFICATION LIFE of salvation Righteousness DEMONSTRATED 3:21 – 5:21 SALVATION WAY of salvation Righteousness CREDITED 1:18 – 3:20 SIN NEED for salvation Righteousness NEEDED
3 FALSE Exemptions from being condemned 1. Law of God 2. Circumcision 3. Birth - sons of Abraham
3 Key Words Even these CANNOT save! “Circumcision” “Jew” “Law” Vs.17 – “rest on the Law” Vs.18 – “instructed out of the Law” Vs.20 – “form of…truth in the Law” Vs.23 – “boast in the Law… …breaking the Law” Vs.25 – “circumcision is indeed profitable” Vs.26 & 27 – “uncircumcision” “Jew” Vs.28 – “not a Jew…outwardly” Vs.29 – “a Jew…inwardly” Even these CANNOT save!