Permissive Temporary (PTDY) and Excess Leave (EL) ELEMENT 34 PG. 171
Permissive Temporary Duty (PTDY) The intent of Permissive temporary duty (PTDY) is to authorize servicemembers time away from their assigned duties to assist with transition activities such as job and house hunting.
Who is Eligible?
Involuntary Discharge or Release Retirees Discharge for Medical Reasons
Time Limits
Retirees 20 days Involuntarily Separated 10 days Members stationed OCONUS may receive an additional 10 days CONUS members who have legal domiciles OCONUS and plan to return to the OCONUS state or territory
Can be taken in increments or all together Cannot be taking in conjunction with with liberty weekends, special liberty, or holidays, to extend the period of actual job/house hunting activities beyond the 10-, 20-, or 30-day authorization. Can be taking with chargeable leave.
Excess Leave (EL) Leave granted in excess of earned leave and advance leave, and a period during which the Service member is not entitled to pay and allowances.
Excess Leave (EL) Is not available to Retirees No more than 30 days can be granted Not entitled to any allowances or pay during this time
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