(A) Faucher and Pliska hydrophobicity plot of D2SV protein sequence. (A) Faucher and Pliska hydrophobicity plot of D2SV protein sequence. Note the high degree of hydrophobicity in the CT region (amino acids 136-156) as indicated by a higher index on y-axis. (B-E) E14.5 myocytes were transfected with the D2SVMyc construct (B,C) or a construct lacking the CT region (D2SVΔCTMyc; D,E), and processed for Myc immunostaining (B,D) and nuclei were counterstained with Hoechst stain (C,E). Scale bars: 20 μm. (F,G) Quantification of protein aggregation in cells transfected with D2SV (F) and D2SVΔCT (G). (F) *P<0.05 for cytoplasmic aggregates versus all other groups, (G) #P<0.05 for nuclear aggregates versus all other groups, n=3 experiments/group, ∼300 transfected cells per group. Nuc, nuclear aggregates; Perinuc, perinuclear aggregates; Cyto, cytoplasmic aggregates; No, no aggregates. Qian Sun et al. J Cell Sci 2009;122:1563-1573 © The Company of Biologists Limited 2009