Word Dissection Lesson #1
Make a flashcard for each word part. On the front of the card, write the word part. (Front of card) bio __ On the back of the card at the top, write the definition for the word part. In the middle, write a sample word and its definition. (Back of card) life Example: biology = study of life
__ology = Examples: Biology = study of life Study of (science of)
Bio = Example: Biology = study of life life
Geo = Examples: Geology = study of the earth Earth
Zo/zoo = Examples: Zoology = the study of animals animal
Anthropo = Examples: Anthropology = the study of man (humans) Man (human)
Psycho = Examples: Psychology = the study of the mind Mind (soul)
Socio = Examples: Sociology = the study of companions Companion
Pre = Before (beforehand) Examples: Prehistoric = before history (recorded history) Preschool = before school Preheat = heat beforehand Pre = Before (beforehand) Predate = before the date
__ity = Being (condition of being) Examples: Legality = being legal Reality = being real Modesty = being modest Being (condition of being) Absurdity = being absurd
Mono = Examples: Monosyllable = one syllable Monorail = one rail One (single) Monotone = one tone
__ism = Being or belief in Terrorism = belief in terror Examples: Americanism = being American or belief in America Catholicism = being or belief in Catholic (faith) Terrorism = belief in terror __ism = Being or belief in (theory/practice/ process of) Alcoholism = being alcoholic