NAWIC’s Strategic Plan
What is Strategic Planning? It is THE vehicle to help our association adapt to change. Key Points of Strategic Planning Strategic planning enables a chapter to establish reasonable framework for making short-term tactical decisions in an uncertain environment. The planning process can bring a sense of identity and priority back to the Chapter’s activities and help leaders achieve consensus. The inherent paradox in strategic planning is that a Chapter must work the plan – yet remain flexible and open to change.
Objective To unite for their mutual benefit women who are actively employed in the various phases of the construction industry; To promote cooperation, fellowship, and a better understanding among members of the Association; To promote education and contribute to the betterment of the construction industry; To encourage women to pursue and establish their careers in the construction industry; and To provide members an awareness of the legislative process and legislation as it relates to the construction industry.
NAWIC’s Vision: The Association that empowers women to influence the direction of the Construction Industry. At mid-year and pre-con, the plan is reviewed, discussed and revised as needed by the NAWIC board. After the NAWIC strategic plan went through a complete overhaul at 2015 AMEC in Nashville, this year we delved deeper into the goals/objectives and created strategies to obtain them. It’s important to understand NAWIC’s strategic plan when developing your chapter strategic plan.
NAWIC’s Strategic Plan: Goal: Awareness Employers will recognize the value of NAWIC membership and participation for their employees Objectives: Enhance marketing efforts Increase value to employers Increase media exposure
NAWIC’s Strategic Plan: Goal Awareness Strategies: Go outside of NAWIC for professional marketing help. Survey large national employers (include non-members to ascertain the top education and training issues for women employees. Increase social media activity Contact industry specific publications to contribute articles Participate in high visible, high traffic trade shows and provide presenters (women) Consider presenting industry awards to companies consistent for promoting women in construction.
NAWIC’s Strategic Plan: Goal: Education NAWIC members will be widely recognized and valued for their knowledge and expertise in the construction industry. Objectives: Increase leadership development that embraces career skills. Increase participation with other construction industry associations Increase partnerships with other educational groups.
NAWIC’s Strategic Plan: Goal Education Strategies: Determine the focus and direction of NAWIC education and training initiatives. Utilize our CURT (Construction Users Roundtable) membership. Become more involved on other associations’ committees (ie: ABC, NCCER) and share their educational resources. Negotiate and utilize relevant educational content from companies (ie: Lorman, CFMA).
NAWIC’s Strategic Plan: Goal: Infrastructure NAWIC will be structured, governed and aligned to maximize financial, staff and volunteer resources to meet our goals. Objectives: Decrease demand for members’ time. Reduce barriers to leadership participation at all levels. Increase evaluation of effectiveness at all levels (chapter and national).
NAWIC’s Strategic Plan: Goal Infrastructure Strategies: Establish effective leadership training program. Development assessment tools for all levels of NAWIC. Evaluate time/dollar commitment for participation at chapter/regional events. Conduct regular member surveys to determine member preferences. Establish a system for regular data collection and analysis. Review governance documents (all processes of governing).
NAWIC’s Strategic Plan: Goal: Membership NAWIC will be a thriving organization of women industry professionals. Objectives: Increase membership. Increase opportunities to promote the choice of construction as a viable career choice for women. Decrease barriers to membership engagement and participation.
NAWIC’s Strategic Plan: Goal Membership Strategies: Conduct market research to inform target marketing approaches. Adapt existing products/services to multiple generations; vary distribution methods of same content (ie: webinars; badges) Research demographic data. Study our exiting membership types and trends. Provide mentoring opportunities. Serve as role models to others through human interest stories, speakers bureau etc. Evaluate AMEC offerings and format. Collaborate with other industry associations. Badges are a new measure of professional development used as a validated indicator of accomplishment, skill, quality or interest in many learning environments.
Strategic Planning For chapter’s: Form a chapter committee. Committee members can change annually, rotate or as the chapter defines. 2. Review the core purpose of the association. Core Purpose: To enhance the success of women in the construction industry. Core Values: Belief in ourselves as women Perseverance We dare to move into new horizons. At the 2016 AMEC strategic planning meeting, our core values were updated to become actions.
Strategic Planning For chapter’s: 3. Committee must assess the needs and goals of their chapter. What do current and potential members need? What programs, educational opportunities, community outreach, etc…do your members want? Discussion: Why did you Join? Networking Opportunities Seeking education Was told you needed to join Friendship Just wanted to spend another night out of the house? What Do You Want Out of Your Membership? Education Growth
Strategic Planning For chapter’s: 4. Committee needs to determine the chapter’s strength and weaknesses. Large membership vs. smaller membership. Short on educational programs? Location constraints?? Exercise: SWOT Analysis of the Chapters. If time allows have chapters split up to review/establish their own SWOT Strengths: support, friendship, programs, business opportunity, community involvement, travel, partnerships, diversity, networking Weaknesses: membership non-involvement, retention, too many committees (Finance, Membership, PD&E), monetary support, marketing, employer support, politics in the chapter, lack of cohesive messaging, low membership, stagnant Opportunities: leadership, professional, personal & educational growth, networking, business, construction industry is up, collaboration Threats: competition of other organizations, time (obligations), burn-out, lack of support from employer, lack of relevance in the industry, social organization (perception), generation gap, cost
Strategic Planning For chapter’s: 5. What are the overall objectives of the chapter? Not everyone will agree. All member’s input is important. Make sure that your chapter’s objectives support the core purpose and values of NAWIC. 6. Evaluate all chapter programs, events, and community activities/involvement. Do they support the core purpose and values of NAWIC? Do they support the objectives of your chapter?
Remember: Core Purpose & Values! Strategic Planning For chapter’s: 7. Prioritize your chapter programs, events, and community activities/involvement. What is and is not working? What new things does the chapter want to attempt? Remember: Core Purpose & Values! 8. Allocate $, people and other resources to chapter programs, events, activities, etc... Do you have the time, talent and money to accomplish all chapter objectives. May need to reevaluate the chapter objectives to ensure success of all chapter activities.
Strategic Planning For chapter’s: 9. Get ‘buy-in’ of chapter members. Make sure they understand and agree to the plan. Have a plan to update and revise the plan on a set timetable. Remember this is a way to keep your chapter on track. Not everything will go as planned and that is okay!