Day 158 Systems of linear and quadratic equations (1)
Introduction Sometimes, we may meet situations where a problem-solving process may involve two relations, quadratic and linear relations. A system that described by both relations has solutions at the point of intersection of the two. In this lesson, we are going to find out the kind of solutions using a graphical method.
Vocabulary: This can be done in the notebooks or on vocabulary cards. Whatever system you use
The graph of linear relation The graph of a linear relation is a straight line that extends in both directions.
The graph of a quadratic relation The graph of a quadratic relation is a parabola. Hence it has a vertex, symmetrical about the vertex and two ends that ends in one direction.
This case is shown below The line intersects the parabola ones or touches it. In that case, the system has one solution.
In the first case, the line touches in the parabola but in the second case, the line intersects the parabola.
Case 3 The line and the parabola do not intersect. Hence there is no solution
-2 -1 1 2 3 5 10 -2 -1 1 2 3 -3 5 7
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