Value of a contextual structured template for trigeminal neuralgia over a noncontextual structured template. Value of a contextual structured template.


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Presentation transcript:

Value of a contextual structured template for trigeminal neuralgia over a noncontextual structured template. Value of a contextual structured template for trigeminal neuralgia over a noncontextual structured template. A–D, Axial and coronal contrast-enhanced fat-suppressed imaging in a patient with skin cancer shows extensive perineural enhancement (arrows). E, Axial fat-suppressed T2-weighted image shows denervation atrophy in the right muscles of mastication (arrows). A noncontextual structured template (F) and a contextual structured template (G) describe the findings. Note that the noncontextual template is unnecessarily lengthy, and the skull base field is the only field conceivably relevant to trigeminal neuralgia, as opposed to the multiple relevant fields within the concise contextual template. Furthermore, discussion of the inferior alveolar nerve enhancement and muscular denervation atrophy could have been overlooked in the noncontextual template because there are no fields to describe them. M.D. Mamlouk et al. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol 2018;39:1406-1414 ©2018 by American Society of Neuroradiology