TGad Task Group Document Open Items April 2007 doc.: IEEE 802.11-07/0570r0 October 2009 TGad Task Group Document Open Items Date: 2009-10-29 Authors: Eldad Perahia, Intel Corporation Eldad Perahia, Intel Corporation
October 2009 Abstract Based on the timeline presented in July 2009, task group documents are to be adopted by end of this year and call for proposals to begin in January 2010 This submissions presents a list of open items and outstanding issues for each task group document Eldad Perahia, Intel Corporation
Timeline presented in July in 09/786 October 2009 Timeline presented in July in 09/786 Jan Mar May Sep Nov Selection Procedure begins Complete TG docs New Techniques complete proposals TGad Formed Confirmation Vote D1.0 spec available D2.0 spec available Start Sponsor ballot RevCom Standard Published 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Prepare task group documents Call for proposals and down selection / merger Comment resolution Comment resolution & recirculation ballots Comment resolution & recirculation ballots Eldad Perahia, Intel Corporation
Status of Task Group Documents April 2007 doc.: IEEE 802.11-07/0570r0 October 2009 Status of Task Group Documents Functional Requirements Motion to approve first draft approved in July motioned/latest draft: 09/228r5 Evaluation Methodology Motion to approve first draft failed in May Latest draft: 09/296r8 Channel Models Latest draft: 09/334r3 Selection Procedure Motion to approve first draft failed in September Motioned draft: 09/935r3 Eldad Perahia, Intel Corporation Eldad Perahia, Intel Corporation
Evaluation Methodology October 2009 Evaluation Methodology 2.1 Point-to-point link simulation PHY channel impulse response and pathloss model is TBD 3.1 PHY Channel Model (impulse response and pathloss): TBD 3.2 Hardware impairments 1. phase noise: TBD 2. PA non-linearity model: TBD 3. carrier frequency offset and symbol clock: TBD 4. Receiver (and transmitter?) I/Q imbalance: TBD 3.3 Comparison Criteria PER vs SNR methodology: TBD 4.1 Traffic Models Web browsing: TBD Hard disk file transfer: TBD 4.2 Antenna Model: TBD 4.3.1 Home living room simulation scenario Minimum number of channel realizations: TBD no floor plan 4.3.2 Office conference room Model of human blockage is TBD Definition of interference: TBD 4.3.3 Enterprise cubicle Cubicle layout with TBD (randomly or fixed) location of co-channel cubes, with TBD number of co-channel cubes TBD mix of LOS and NLOS in cubicle, NLOS between cubicles, TBD mix of LOS/NLOS to AP No floor plan Eldad Perahia, Intel Corporation
Channel Models October 2009 2. General characteristics complete Channel model structure and polarization modeling for handheld devices still under discussion 3. Office conference room Complete except for support of people motion with blocking of signal paths (channel dynamics) 4. Enterprise cubicle TBD 5. Living room 6. Antenna models and beamforming Complete 7. Pathloss 7.2 office conference room: complete 7.3 Enterprise cubicle: TBD 7.4 Living room: TBD 8. Interference environment modeling: TBD Eldad Perahia, Intel Corporation
Selection Procedure No TBD’s in document October 2009 Selection Procedure No TBD’s in document In 09/935r3, presentation of new techniques occur prior to presentation of complete proposals Main issue raised in September was allowing time after presentation of complete proposals to present new techniques Eldad Perahia, Intel Corporation
Functional Requirements October 2009 Functional Requirements No TBD’s in document No comments on document since approval of first draft Eldad Perahia, Intel Corporation
October 2009 Conclusion If we want to complete the task group documents by dates indicated in the timeline, we need volunteers to address TBD’s and outstanding issues Eldad Perahia, Intel Corporation