Future Directions in DOLAP Research - DOLAP 04 Panel - Matteo Golfarelli DEIS – University of Bologna DOLAP 04
Let new applications drive our research! My point of view… Ten years of research in DWing and OLAP converged to define the structure of DW systems (architectures, models, design, algorithms, etc.) These results have been absorbed by vendors to form a wide set of off-the-shelf software solutions Users are now asking for new tools capable of handling new applications and requirements Let new applications drive our research!
Considering new applications Broaden the idea of DWing … Not only multidimensional data…. Not only extracted in batch mode and analyzed ONLINE by an expert user …without renouncing to its basic concepts -“…Repository (data & metadata) that contains integrated, cleansed, and reconciled data from disparate sources for decision support applications….” Information retrieval is not DWing! Identify new applications Collaborate with researchers and users in different fields (e.g. economics, life sciences, etc.) Keep (present and future) technology advances into account
New applications and challenges I Data stream related applications OLAP on data streams Mining on data streams Alerting on data streams Challenges Architectural issues: adding a real-time integrator and a main-memory DBMS Physical issues: Structures and indexing techniques for real-time OLAP Operational issues: mining algorithms, real-time ETL
New applications and challenges II KPI related applications Simulations and WHAT IF analysis on complex KPI graph Mining KPI patterns Alerting on KPI BPM Challenges Architectural issues: reactive module for handling right-time updates, Alerting and KPI monitor Design issues: methodologies and models for designing data and processes Interface issues: Consider new paradigms for information delivery Operational issues: right-time ETL
New applications and challenges III DW in life sciences Proteins and genome DWs Mining on proteins and genome DWs Challenges Architectural issues: Distributed/federated DWs or P2P DWs Interface issues: Complex outputs showing structural protein and genoma relationships Operational issues: ETL on non-relational, strongly heterogeneous DB
New applications and challenges IV Complex Data Types applications Spatial DWs Web data DW … Challenges Design issues: modeling complex data Operational issues: tracing data sources on the web …
Conclusions Classic DW applications and related issues have been almost completely explored, but… … the DWing germ infected the users that are asking for new applications A lot of work is still necessary in the DW field if we accept to broaden the idea of DWing