Make it a Great Day! Monday, April 16th 2018 Opening Warm-up: Who was the founder of Islam and what are the five pillars of their faith? Work Session: Finish Video Series & Note-taking on Comparative Monotheistic Abrahamic Religions founded in SW Asia – Judaism, Christianity, Islam with notes (1st Block only) Begin Lesson 24 – Oil in SW Asia: How “Black Gold” Has Shaped a Region Preview, Introduction (357), GeoTerms (358), Word Picture (359) Closing Cool-down: Why is oil considered a nonrenewable resource? Essential Question(s): What are the basic beliefs of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam? How have those beliefs had an impact on the region and the world? How might having a valuable natural resource affect a region? SSWG 2c 6e Materials you will need: Writing Utensil and Geography Notebook Textbook – pgs. 356-359